West surfaces at MLC insurance
07 February 2011
National Australia Bank has secured former CGU Insurance CEO Duncan West to head up its insurance operations in MLC and NAB Wealth…
07 February 2011
National Australia Bank has secured former CGU Insurance CEO Duncan West to head up its insurance operations in MLC and NAB Wealth…
07 February 2011
Mark Bradley has been appointed by major broker OAMPS as Head of Commercial Broking, with a brief to consolidate and grow the business…
07 February 2011
The number of people experiencing a work-related injury or illness has declined, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics…
07 February 2011
The financial planning job market is showing a promising start with a 21% increase on advertised positions compared to this time last year, according to recruitment company eJobs…
31 January 2011
The National Insurance Brokers Association will begin the search for a new CEO this week following the resignation on Friday of Noel Pettersen…
31 January 2011
Wesfarmers Insurance MD Robert Scott has become the new President of the Insurance Council of Australia for the next two years…
31 January 2011
Financial Services Institute of Australia CEO Martin Fahy will step down this year…
31 January 2011
The insurance industry has been singled out as one of the employment hot spots by recruiter Hays, and the latest catastrophes will increase that demand…
31 January 2011
The Insight Insurance Brokers Association will introduce two new professional recognition awards at its annual conference in May…
31 January 2011
A series of information sessions for brokers and financial planners over the controversial Future of Financial Advice reforms will be held by the Federal Government over the next month…
31 January 2011
The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance can now accredit its general, life, broking and financial planning qualifications towards the New Zealand Financial Services…
13 December 2010
Helping to build community appreciation of the role brokers play in the insurance industry is just one of the challenges that new National Insurance Brokers Association President David Duffield wants…
13 December 2010
Three directors have been elected to the Underwriting Agencies Council board of directors at last week’s AGM in Sydney…
13 December 2010
Recruitment across the financial services sector will slow in the first quarter of 2011, according to a new survey…
06 December 2010
The National Insurance Brokers Association has increased membership fees by 20%…
06 December 2010
State members of major broker cluster group Steadfast have elected two new directors to the national board…
06 December 2010
QBE Technical Claims Manager NSW/ACT Sean Morrison has won the 2010 Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance TurksLegal Claims Scholarship…
06 December 2010
A majority of Suncorp employees have agreed to accept a new workplace agreement, with the Financial Services Union saying the company still has “some way to go to achieve…
06 December 2010
Employer inflexibility is preventing the recruitment of people looking for a career in life insurance sales, according to Hays Insurance…
06 December 2010
Adelaide authorised representative Lewis Milford was one of the big winners at Insurance Advisernet Australia’s recent national conference on the Gold Coast, taking out the coveted AR of the Year…