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Tony Morgan new ANZIIF president

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) has appointed well-known loss adjuster Tony Morgan as its new president.

Jonathon Fox, GM of Insurance Operations at Elders Insurance, was appointed Deputy President at the ANZIIF AGM ln Friday.

Two new board members were also announced. They are Aon Risk Solutions Pacific Region Chairman Steve Nevett, and RGA Reinsurance Company of Australia MD Pauline Blight-Johnston.

Duncan West will remain on the board as Immediate Past President.

Mr Morgan is National Executive Adjuster at Cunningham Lindsey, and has also served as CEO and national chief adjuster. He has served as president of the Australasian division of the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters and as a director of the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters.

He says ANZIIF’s main focus is on “providing educational and professional development services for a large, diverse and growing body of professionals in the insurance and financial services sector throughout our region”.

The institute also honoured departing board members John Richardson and Ian Brown for their years of service to the board.

Mr Richardson, who served as president in 2002 and 2007/08, was awarded honorary life membership of ANZIIF, while Mr Brown, who was president from 2005 to 2007, has been an honorary life member since last year.