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The Professional

Insurance News wellness survey garners strong response

13 September 2021

The Insurance News Wellness Survey 2021 has already attracted about 800 responses detailing the experience of remote working and how the insurance industry has managed the mental health impacts of COVID and related restrictions...

Mercer Marsh Benefits reveals senior appointments

13 September 2021

Employee benefits consultancy and broker Mercer Marsh Benefits (MMB) has made a number of senior leadership appointments across several business areas, all reporting to MMB’s Head of Pacific Sarah Brown...

Risk Frontiers runs resilience webinars

13 September 2021

Catastrophe loss modeller Risk Frontiers will hold a webinar series next month on resilience and the role of science to support decision-making in a warming world...

Future workplace: more Lycra, less office space

06 September 2021

Get used to seeing more of your colleagues at home in Lycra and expect a future office featuring collaboration hubs, yoga and a focus on culture and ideation sessions in an environment very different to the past...

Dive In registrations ramp up

06 September 2021

Registrations for this year’s local Dive In sessions have already surpassed 3000 as the insurance industry’s diversity and inclusion festival gears up for this month’s hybrid global format...

Marsh's Leney joins ANZIIF board

06 September 2021

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance says Marsh Head of Risk Management Asia and Pacific Scott Leney has joined its board of directors...

Insurance gender pay gap widens

30 August 2021

The differences between women’s and men’s average weekly full-time earnings in Financial and Insurance Services has widened to 24.1%, the Workplace Gender Equality Agency says, from 22.6% a year earlier...

NIBA convention rescheduled to February

30 August 2021

The National Insurance Brokers Association annual convention has been postponed by more than four months to February 7-21 next year as Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane all battle COVID by restricting social gatherings and movement across borders...

Suncorp NZ shortlisted for law award

30 August 2021

Suncorp NZ’s legal team is shortlisted for Financial Services Legal Team of the Year at the 2021 NZ Law Awards, recognising the quality, innovation and value of its work in financial service businesses in New Zealand...

MMIF to host succeeding tough claims webinar

30 August 2021

The Melbourne Marine Insurance Forum will host a free webinar on September 21 discussing "How to succeed on tough claims: Delay, Shortage & General Average"...