The Professional
18 July 2011
Stream Group has won the Telstra Queensland Business of the Year award, with the judges impressed by its software platform and saying the firm creates “tangible benefits to consumers impacted…
18 July 2011
Brisbane broker John Bell died suddenly last Tuesday after a short battle with a kidney-related illness…
11 July 2011
The Association of Financial Advisers believes the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s CP153 paper is too narrow in its focus…
11 July 2011
Dallas Booth has taken up his new role as CEO of the National Insurance Brokers Association…
11 July 2011
Two state finalists for the National Insurance Brokers Association’s annual Warren Tickle Memorial Award have been named, with NSW and SA announcing state winners in recent days…
11 July 2011
Suncorp has employed an in-house appointed actuary, moving away from its previous outsourcing of the function…
11 July 2011
Allianz is to sponsor Australia’s 2012 Paralympic Team and the Australian Paralympic Committee for the next two years…
04 July 2011
The National Insurance Brokers Association believes the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s proposals for financial adviser exams should not apply to brokers…
04 July 2011
Permanent job opportunities in financial services are slowing in Australia and New Zealand, but insurance talent pools remain strong, according to two independent reports…
04 July 2011
New Zealand brokers will have another intensive two days of learning and networking next week as the Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand hosts its second successive annual…
27 June 2011
The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance is opposing the proposal of a national examination scheme for all insurance brokers and life insurance advisers…
27 June 2011
The financial services industry’s senior executive level and board appointments are lacking women’s touch, according to two independent reviews…
27 June 2011
Lloyd’s Chairman Lord Levene will give the keynote speech at the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance’s Sunshine Seminar on the Gold Coast next month…
20 June 2011
Early bird registration offers for the annual National Insurance Brokers Association Convention close on Friday, with the association promising this year’s event will repeat the success of the…
20 June 2011
The insurance industry is hiring more staff to deal with claims from recent natural disasters, creating a strong job market in the sector…
20 June 2011
Aon Risk Solutions has appointed mergers and acquisitions insurance specialist Jennifer Richards as its new Regional Director for Transactional Liability, based in Sydney…
20 June 2011
Macquarie Banking and Financial Services Group has appointed Paul Heath as Head of Group Marketing. He was formerly at Foxtel, where he was chief marketing officer…
14 June 2011
The Underwriting Agencies Council has endorsed an education program with options for members wanting a formal path to recognised qualifications and others looking for short, specific courses…
14 June 2011
Consumer advocate Denis Nelthorpe’s long engagement with the insurance industry has been recognised in yesterday’s Queen’s Birthday honours list…
14 June 2011
CGU business analyst Mei Ling Ho, the 2011 Aon Benfield Global Scholarship recipient, is gaining valuable insight into the “world of insurance” in London…