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The Professional

CP153 focus too narrow, says AFA

11 July 2011

The Association of Financial Advisers believes the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s CP153 paper is too narrow in its focus…

Two states decide Warren Tickle award finalists

11 July 2011

Two state finalists for the National Insurance Brokers Association’s annual Warren Tickle Memorial Award have been named, with NSW and SA announcing state winners in recent days…

NIBA opposes new exams for brokers

04 July 2011

The National Insurance Brokers Association believes the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s proposals for financial adviser exams should not apply to brokers…

IBANZ propels into second Auckland conference

04 July 2011

New Zealand brokers will have another intensive two days of learning and networking next week as the Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand hosts its second successive annual…

Gender equity lags in financial services

27 June 2011

The financial services industry’s senior executive level and board appointments are lacking women’s touch, according to two independent reviews…

Lloyd’s chief to address ANZIIF seminar

27 June 2011

Lloyd’s Chairman Lord Levene will give the keynote speech at the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance’s Sunshine Seminar on the Gold Coast next month…

NIBA Convention discount deadline nears

20 June 2011

Early bird registration offers for the annual National Insurance Brokers Association Convention close on Friday, with the association promising this year’s event will repeat the success of the…

Aon appoints acquisitions cover specialist

20 June 2011

Aon Risk Solutions has appointed mergers and acquisitions insurance specialist Jennifer Richards as its new Regional Director for Transactional Liability, based in Sydney…

Foxtel marketer joins Macquarie

20 June 2011

Macquarie Banking and Financial Services Group has appointed Paul Heath as Head of Group Marketing. He was formerly at Foxtel, where he was chief marketing officer…

UAC endorses new education program

14 June 2011

The Underwriting Agencies Council has endorsed an education program with options for members wanting a formal path to recognised qualifications and others looking for short, specific courses…

Consumer champion honoured

14 June 2011

Consumer advocate Denis Nelthorpe’s long engagement with the insurance industry has been recognised in yesterday’s Queen’s Birthday honours list…

Scholarship delivers world of experience

14 June 2011

CGU business analyst Mei Ling Ho, the 2011 Aon Benfield Global Scholarship recipient, is gaining valuable insight into the “world of insurance” in London…