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Recruiters see more jobs in financial services

Financial services jobs could increase in number over the next few months, according to an independent recruitment report.

The Hudson Report, which is based on responses by almost 5000 hiring professionals, says 89.6% of Australian and 93.1% of New Zealand financial services employers are looking to either maintain their current staff levels or increase them over the October-December quarter. 

In Australia, Queensland is expected to lead the way with 94.2% of employers planning to maintain or increase staffing levels, followed by WA on 90.4%, Victoria on 39% and NSW at 30.4%.

The report shows a similar story in New Zealand with 93.1% of surveyed employers intending to either increase permanent positions or maintain the status quo over the next three months. 

Contractor and temporary placements for financial services also remain strong, with 26.9% of employers looking to boost job numbers while 61.7% plan to maintain the current levels.