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Conquest quits Macquarie, Cilia steps in

Macquarie Relationship Banking has appointed Paul Cilia as Head of Insurance Broking, responsible for the insurance-related portfolios here and overseas.

He replaces Peter Conquest, who will move into broking with Melbourne insurance broker Philp Newby & Owen next month.

Mr Conquest told he is delighted to be “moving into the sharp end of broking”.

“I’ve been absorbed in the broking industry through Macquarie for around six years, and I know it’s a good industry to work in.”

Macquarie Relationship Banking Executive Director Dean Firth says Mr Cilia was part of the team that devised and established Macquarie Premium Funding and in recent years has worked on expanding the insurance broking offering.

Rachael Lavars will take responsibility for the development of Macquarie’s premium funding service platform. She has been a member of the insurance broking banking team for more than 10 years.  

Mr Firth says the new appointments will “harness the knowledge and experience across the business”.

“We have a large and experienced team of insurance broking industry specialists, and I am delighted that we have been able to appoint two of our own to drive our future direction in this segment,” he said.