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The Professional

ANZIIF and IBANZ split over awards

06 May 2013

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance and Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand have split over the New Zealand Insurance Industry Awards…

Enthoven joins ICA board

06 May 2013

Hollard Insurance MD Richard Enthoven has been appointed to the Insurance Council of Australia’s board of directors…

AFA launches education award

06 May 2013

The Association of Financial Advisers’ (AFA) Excellence in Education Award is open for nominations…

RIMS comes to Australasia

29 April 2013

The US-based Risk and Insurance Management Society has established an Australasian chapter in Melbourne, with members in Sydney and New Zealand…

Tributes paid to respected broker

29 April 2013

Phil Doring, of Queensland-based Phil Doring Insurance Brokers, has died aged 65 after a battle with bowel cancer…

Insight looks to improve education

29 April 2013

Broker group Insight Australia plans to increase its educational offering to members, according to new CEO Moira Kemp…

ANZIIF is back In The Room

29 April 2013

A business conference that was postponed last year is now set to go ahead this winter…

Actuaries to consider strategic role

29 April 2013

The new regulatory landscape and actuaries’ involvement in strategy will be among the themes of this year’s Actuaries Institute summit…

Insight names award winners

22 April 2013

Insight Australia Group presented three awards at its annual conference in Cairns at the weekend…

QBE starts aviation scholarship

22 April 2013

QBE Australia has launched the Aerial Application Scholarship to help aviation professionals further their careers…

Categories added to industry awards

15 April 2013

Prizes honouring support for female workers and young professionals have been added to this year’s Australian Insurance Industry Awards…