The Professional
17 July 2023
The 2023 National Insurance Brokers Association Broker of the Year award for WA has been won by Grace Insurance Director Frans du Plessis, while the region’s Young Broker of the Year award went to Aviso WA Insurance Brokers Account Executive Justin Purslowe...
17 July 2023
A funeral service for JL Exec recruitment consultancy founder Joanne Limbourn will be held on Friday afternoon in North Ryde...
17 July 2023
Suncorp New Zealand has announced a new initiative for its employees to help financially prepare them for parental leave...
17 July 2023
The 2023 NT Insurance Conference is to be held from October 18-20 at the Darwin Convention Centre, with the theme People, Purpose & Passion...
17 July 2023
Emerging risks of shipping lithium-ion batteries, used in everything from mobile phones to electric cars and buses, will be addressed at a Melbourne forum on Wednesday, July 26...
10 July 2023
Keynote speakers at this year’s Australasian Professional Indemnity Group annual national conference will speak on emerging risks facing the industry...
10 July 2023
Suncorp EGM Digital Distribution Katherine Carmody has been named a finalist in this year’s WeQual Awards, Asia Pacific...
10 July 2023
McLardy McShane has announced that it will commit to the Sam’s 1000 project to help provide precision medicine for cancer patients...
10 July 2023
Natural Hazards Research Australia will host a webinar to highlight insights on its Community Recovery Committee research project...
10 July 2023
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has announced the recipients of this year’s Brian Gray Scholarship...
03 July 2023
The QBE Foundation says it has raised more than $93,000 following the victory of its principal partner, AFL team the Sydney Swans, over the West Coast Eagles on June 24...
03 July 2023
IAG Group Technology Audit Manager Natalie Perez has won this year’s Inspiring Leadership award, while Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Underwriter Kate Murray took the Emerging Talent prize...
03 July 2023
Arch Insurance Australia has appointed Katrina Palmer as its new Senior Underwriter, Executive Assurance, for its Southern Region operations...
03 July 2023
Meridian Lawyers has announced the appointment of two new insurance lawyers, Andrew Gorman and Scott Kennedy, as partners as well as senior leaders within the firm...
03 July 2023
Insurance law firm Holman Webb Lawyers has announced a series of hires and promotions to its Victorian and NSW businesses...
26 June 2023
The insurance industry’s diversity and inclusion festival Dive In will be held from September 26-28, the ninth year the event has been staged worldwide...
26 June 2023
Graeme Wilson has been appointed Hollard Interim Chief Information Officer...
26 June 2023
Eliot Partnership has appointed Olivia Barth to the newly created role of Senior Consultant as the insurance executive recruiter’s local growth accelerates...
26 June 2023
National legal firm Barry Nilsson has announced three new principals, taking the number of principals to 40 and lifting the representation of women at the level to four in 10...
19 June 2023
Australia’s skills shortage is expected to last “well into” the 2030s, recruiter Hays says, and current demand for communication and adaptability skills will give way to employers foremost seeking critical thinking and agile leadership...