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The Professional

NIBA reveals WA award winners 

17 July 2023

The 2023 National Insurance Brokers Association Broker of the Year award for WA has been won by Grace Insurance Director Frans du Plessis, while the region’s Young Broker of the Year award went to Aviso WA Insurance Brokers Account Executive Justin Purslowe...

APIG conference taps into key issues 

10 July 2023

Keynote speakers at this year’s Australasian Professional Indemnity Group annual national conference will speak on emerging risks facing the industry...

Dedicated duo win Donna Walker awards 

03 July 2023

IAG Group Technology Audit Manager Natalie Perez has won this year’s Inspiring Leadership award, while Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Underwriter Kate Murray took the Emerging Talent prize...

Arch hires Dual senior underwriter   

03 July 2023

Arch Insurance Australia has appointed Katrina Palmer as its new Senior Underwriter, Executive Assurance, for its Southern Region operations...

Dive In 2023 to be held in September 

26 June 2023

The insurance industry’s diversity and inclusion festival Dive In will be held from September 26-28, the ninth year the event has been staged worldwide...

Barry Nilsson announces key appointments 

26 June 2023

National legal firm Barry Nilsson has announced three new principals, taking the number of principals to 40 and lifting the representation of women at the level to four in 10...

Skills shortage to last ‘well into the 2030s’ 

19 June 2023

Australia’s skills shortage is expected to last “well into” the 2030s, recruiter Hays says, and current demand for communication and adaptability skills will give way to employers foremost seeking critical thinking and agile leadership...