Ansvar schedules education forums
02 July 2018
Church and heritage insurer Ansvar will hold their annual educational forums in July and August across the major cities…
02 July 2018
Church and heritage insurer Ansvar will hold their annual educational forums in July and August across the major cities…
02 July 2018
Allianz Australia and the Australian Paralympic Committee have taken one step further in their partnership by giving additional support to the Australian wheelchair rugby team, the Steelers…
25 June 2018
The National Insurance Brokers Association has announced the program for its annual convention, to be held in Hobart on September 4-5…
25 June 2018
AIG New Zealand has appointed Bhairav Shah as Head of Liabilities and Financial Lines, effective from September 1…
25 June 2018
Steadfast CEO Robert Kelly raised more than $50,200 at this year’s CEO Sleepout, exceeding his $20,000 target for the Vinnies-organised fundraiser…
25 June 2018
QBE’s Ash Nair has been recognised as one of Australia’s top analytical leaders…
25 June 2018
Insurance & Care NSW has donated $100,000 to charities as part of its foundation’s Pitch In events…
25 June 2018
The Australian Professional Indemnity Group will hold a seminar in Melbourne on the issue of flammable building cladding…
25 June 2018
Allianz Australia brought Queensland business leaders together during Refugee Week for an event to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace…
25 June 2018
Gallagher Bassett New Zealand Head of Cyber Services Gerard Ward will travel to New Orleans in August to speak at the upcoming Americas Conference on Information Systems…
18 June 2018
Tickets can now be purchased for the second annual Mansfield Awards, which recognise claims excellence…
18 June 2018
The National Insurance Brokers Association has named Steven Hill from Capital Innovation Australia and Glen Ryan from Austcover as finalists for the Queensland broker of the year award…
18 June 2018
QBE has confirmed the departure of National Manager Compulsory Third Party and Motor Trades Matt Lawler…
18 June 2018
Former Suncorp senior adviser Mark Reinke has joined PwC as a board member for the professional services group’s CMO Advisory practice…
18 June 2018
Global insurance standard-setting body Acord has appointed Underwriting Agencies Council GM William Legge to its Asia-Pacific governance committee…
18 June 2018
New Zealand’s AA Insurance has won the Canstar Blue award for insurance customer satisfaction, for the sixth consecutive year…
18 June 2018
The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency will hold its annual conference from November 18-20 in Sydney…
18 June 2018
Registrations are open for a Finity-organised risk forum in Canberra…
18 June 2018
Gallagher has teamed with the non-profit Victorian Regional Community Leadership Program to provide risk management advice and insurance to the organisation’s members and alumni…
12 June 2018
Steadfast and public insurance giant Insurance & Care NSW have agreed to again sponsor the Mansfield Awards, recognising claims excellence…