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Suncorp marks Equal Pay Day

Suncorp CEO and MD Michael Cameron has marked Equal Pay Day in Australia by reaffirming his commitment to gender pay equality.

Equal Pay Day, on August 31, aims to highlight the fact that to earn the same as a man in one financial year, a woman would, on average, need to work an additional eight weeks.

Figures released by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency last month show the national pay gap is now 14.6% for full-time employees, down from 15.3% a year ago.

However, “financial and insurance services” remains the worst-performing sector, with a pay gap of 26.6%, down from 29.6%.

“I am personally committed to gender equality at Suncorp,” Mr Cameron said.

The group has already achieved a 50% female workforce across its broad leadership group, and 55% of direct reports to Mr Cameron are women.

“We are pleased to have achieved gender balance across all leadership roles,” he said.

“Suncorp carries out gender pay equity reviews each year, and our commitment to gender equality is demonstrated through Suncorp’s workplace practices and policies including recruitment, flexible working, development, remuneration and maintaining gender-balanced representation across our leadership and the broader workforce.”