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QBE appoints climate change leader to ESG role

QBE has appointed Sharanjit Paddam as Group Head of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk.

Mr Paddam, a consulting actuary with more than two decades experience in general insurance, climate risk, analytics and workers’ compensation, will join the company on September 24.

The role will focus on developing the group’s ESG risk framework as well as climate change reporting following recommendations from the Financial Stability Board’s Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

Mr Paddam has worked at Deloitte and Taylor Fry and is the convenor of the Actuaries Institute climate change working group.

CEO Pat Regan told the QBE annual general meeting this year that a focus on sustainability needs to be a core part of how the company operates, and addressing social and environmental issues is integral to its success.