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The Professional

Gallagher man wins NT broker award

29 October 2018

Gallagher broker Andrew McCormack has been named senior broker professional of the year at the NT Insurance Conference in Darwin…

Brokerage bosses chop locks to help homeless

29 October 2018

JMD Ross Insurance Brokers CEO John Duncan and director John Davaine shaved their heads last week to raise almost $11,000 for Sydney’s homeless and marginalised…

Leading lawyer joins Acacia

22 October 2018

Acacia Insurance has appointed insurance lawyer Mark Williams as an executive director…

Top banker joins IAG NZ board

22 October 2018

IAG New Zealand has appointed Barbara Chapman as a non-executive director, effective next month…

IAG taps James Cook cyclone specialist

08 October 2018

IAG has recruited David Henderson as Property Resilience Specialist, a new role created to bolster the insurer’s expertise around climate change-induced extreme weather…

YIPs appoints new president

08 October 2018

Young Insurance Professionals (YIPs) Australia and New Zealand has appointed its vice president Katie Stephenson to lead the organisation…