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AILA’s public speaking award launched

The Australian Insurance Law Association (AILA) has announced the timetable for this year’s Ron Shorter public speaking award.

The contest, which opens on Friday, provides young professionals with public speaking training and exposure to industry peers and luminaries.

More than 300 participants have benefitted since the award was launched in 2012.

The competition is open to professionals aged under 35 from all fields of insurance and insurance law nationwide. Successful applicants will attend public speaking workshops in Melbourne (May 27), Sydney (June 3) and Brisbane (June 17) at award sponsor Colin Biggers & Paisley’s offices.

A Perth workshop on June 24 is hosted by Kott Gunning, while participants in SA, Tasmania, the NT and the ACT will join a workshop by video link.

Workshop participants receive training from Polaris Coaching and then give two-minute presentations.

Three finalists in each location progress to the finals and receive additional training.

At finals in Sydney (July 18), Melbourne (July 25), Brisbane (August 8) and Perth (August 15), competitors speak for 10 minutes before judging panels of industry professionals.

Four regional winners will attend the AILA National Conference (October 31-November 2) in Hobart and deliver their winning speeches.

Ron Shorter, after whom the award is named, died of cancer in February 2012. From April 2007 to 2011 he was practice manager of Colin Biggers & Paisley’s Sydney Insurance Group. During his career he mentored many young professionals.