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The Professional

Bright Light winner named

10 December 2018

Queenscorp Insurance Services MD Michael Parker has won the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance TurksLegal Bright Light Award…

Collaboration key to harm prevention, VMIA says

10 December 2018

The state-owned Victorian Managed Insurance Authority says an international medical indemnity conference in Melbourne last week reflected the importance of collaboration between healthcare services and insurers on a global scale…

QBE sponsors Indigenous scholar

10 December 2018

QBE will sponsor a University of Newcastle student under an Indigenous scholarship provided through the New Colombo Plan, which promotes greater understanding of the Indo-Pacific region…

Allianz brings cricket to the bush

10 December 2018

Allianz Australia is to sponsor cricketers making a tour of regional communities to raise awareness of mental health…

ANZIIF awards celebrate NZ achievers

03 December 2018

AA and Delta were multiple winners at the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance awards in Auckland last week, while Rothbury won its fifth consecutive award for large broking company of the year…

ANZIIF opens Peter Corrigan scholarship

03 December 2018

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance and Finity Consulting have called for submissions to a leadership scholarship program…

NIBA to hold more member surveys

26 November 2018

The National Insurance Brokers Association has refreshed its main survey of members and launched additional questionnaires…

Liberty appoints legal counsel

26 November 2018

Liberty International Underwriters has appointed Gabija Simmonds as VP and Chief Legal Counsel for Asia-Pacific…

GB appoints finance manager

26 November 2018

Gallagher Bassett has appointed former commercial manager David Teall to the newly created GM Finance position…

UAC to decide on board members

19 November 2018

Four spots on the Underwriting Agencies Council board are being fought over by seven member representatives…