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The Professional

Insurers: Leney wants your money

19 May 2014

Insurance executives will be sleeping rough on June 19 to raise money for homeless people and increase awareness of their plight…

Team blazes a trail for Oxfam

19 May 2014

Staff from Allianz and Brisbane-based Comsure Insurance Brokers will take to the trails of D’Aguilar National Park on June 20 to raise money for Oxfam…

Insurers defeated in Beat the Bosses contest

19 May 2014

A team of real estate agents defeated rivals from the insurance and finance industries to win this year’s Beat the Bosses fundraising trivia night in Sydney…

Demand grows for ICA referral service

12 May 2014

The Insurance Council of Australia’s Find an Insurer consumer referral service recorded a spike in enquiries in the second half of last year…

Insurers join road safety partnership

12 May 2014

Insurance companies have backed a National Transport Commission initiative that encourages employers to share proven road safety tips to reduce work-related fatality and injury rates…

ANZIIF appoints education GM

12 May 2014

Anton Barnett-Harris has joined the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance as GM Education, Events and International…

Hundreds to attend Victorian NIBA-UAC expo

12 May 2014

The National Insurance Brokers Association and the Underwriting Agencies Council expo in Melbourne this month will give brokers access to about 60 council members…

Suncorp scheme puts ex-offenders to work

05 May 2014

Suncorp has teamed up with community group Mission Australia and the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council to launch a smash repair business that employs former criminals…

Steve Waugh goes into bat for NIBA

05 May 2014

Registrations have opened for this year’s National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) Convention in Adelaide from September 14-16…

QBE appoints SA regional manager

05 May 2014

QBE has appointed Jenny Bax as Regional Manager Intermediary Distribution for SA. She replaces Barry Drinkwater, who relocated to Sydney in February to become National Relationship Manager…

NIBA names young broker contenders

28 April 2014

The National Insurance Brokers Association has named the regional contenders for its young professional broker of the year award…