IEC has plenty to talk about
19 November 2002
September 11, the Ansett Airlines and OneTel collapses, the HIH Royal Commission, Enron and WorldCom corporate collapses, the global capital shortage, a loss of consumer…
19 November 2002
September 11, the Ansett Airlines and OneTel collapses, the HIH Royal Commission, Enron and WorldCom corporate collapses, the global capital shortage, a loss of consumer…
19 November 2002
A five-day tour of China showcasing Australian excellence in finance education and training has been rated a big success…
19 November 2002
Determining how “normal” weekly earnings are calculated for people injured at work is an issue that workers’ compensation insurers in the Northern Territory are expected…
12 November 2002
Justice David Ipp, who has chaired the review of liability law that is leading to major reforms around the country, isn’t likely to confirm or deny what he said at last week’s meeting…
12 November 2002
The High Court has told the ACCC that it cannot compel a business to produce documents that are covered by legal privilege…
12 November 2002
New Zealand’s Building Industry Authority will decide the fate of the country’s independent certifiers (building inspectors) in the next few days by deciding whether to reject or accept…
12 November 2002
ANZIIF has been awarded the “Educational Service Provider of the Year” award at Asia Insurance Review’s Asia Insurance Industry Awards…
12 November 2002
Well-known insurance law specialist Nick Meagher, who died last week, was farewelled yesterday by a large contingent of industry and legal figures in Sydney…
05 November 2002
A turf war is developing in the burgeoning premium funding market…
05 November 2002
To ensure the industry standards keep pace with the changes in the financial services industry, the National Finance Industry Training Advisory Body has released…
05 November 2002
Victorian Premier Steve Bracks may have headed off possible criticism from vital rural voters of the state’s expensive and inefficient fire services funding system…
05 November 2002
As Victorians prepare for a media onslaught leading up to the November 30 state election announced yesterday, the debate on the health of the state’s WorkCover system…
05 November 2002
Well-known Melbourne broker Sam Cilmi died at the weekend…
29 October 2002
Australian brokers have nothing to fear and nothing to lose following IAG’s acquisition of CGU, according to IAG CEO Michael Hawker…
29 October 2002
The Federal Government has set up a national scheme to provide insurance protection against future terrorist attacks…
29 October 2002
The NSW Government’s second tranche of tort law reform was tabled in the State Parliament last week…
29 October 2002
It’s been a big week for insurance solutions crafted by the Federal Government…
29 October 2002
Private health insurers aren’t known for speedy acceptance of new procedures that could be seen as cosmetic…
22 October 2002
QBE Mercantile Mutual has been voted General Insurer of the Year by NIBA brokers…
22 October 2002
IAG has confirmed it’s buying CGU and NZI for $1.86 billion, with the deal expected to be completed within a few days…