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Directors, consultant, bank face lawsuit

16 July 2002

The collapse of New Cap Re in 1998 is having its sequel in the NSW Supreme Court, where parties to the company’s float are being sued by six investors who lost money…

Liability questions rocket

09 July 2002

Insurance Enquiries & Complaints CEO Sam Parrino is seeing first-hand just how tough the public liability market has become…

Expert panel formed at last

09 July 2002

Bringing in an expert panel to review the law of negligence is the Federal Government’s latest tactic to address the public liability and medical indemnity crises…

Doctor strikes could go national

09 July 2002

Doctors across the nation could stop providing services next month unless a solution to the medical indemnity crisis is reached at the next meeting of federal and state treasurers…

High-rise vendors a worry for insurers

09 July 2002

NSW homebuyers have been warned to avoid future insurance problems when purchasing high rise apartments by demanding an occupation certificate from the vendor…

Goodbye to 20 more insurers

02 July 2002

Twenty general insurers have disappeared from the local insurance scene from yesterday following APRA’s unveiling of its new list of authorised insurers…

The Insurance Reform Act arrives

02 July 2002

The cause of all this brouhaha is the introduction of the General Insurance Reform Act, drawn up by former FSR Minister Joe Hockey…

Another last-gasp rescue in Victoria

02 July 2002

The Victorian Government has offered a temporary solution for the state’s adventure tourism operators, stepping in with another short-term insurance rescue package…

AmRe quits PI Market

02 July 2002

In a strange twist of events, AmRe, a member of Munich American Risk Partners, has withdrawn from the Victorian barristers’ professional indemnity market…

CGU and Royal & SunAlliance take half each

24 June 2002

AMP has sold its equal-third share in National Transport Insurance, allowing CGU and Royal & SunAlliance to become equal partners in one of Australia’s most…

Solutions expected from Government

24 June 2002

Indecision and maybe a bit of apathy are being blamed for the Federal Government’s foot-dragging over long-term solutions to the public liability crisis…

Queensland gets liability reforms

24 June 2002

Juries will no longer preside over personal injury cases in Queensland under Premier Peter Beattie’s new liability reform package, which was passed last week…

Jockeys get a leg-up, but some will fall off

24 June 2002

The Australian Jockey Association, caught short without public liability cover at the end of this month, was yesterday still anxiously awaiting the opportunity to…

Home warranty gets second wind

24 June 2002

The Victorian and NSW governments have announced they will continue to support Dexta’s home warranty facility after June 30 until September 30…