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ICA wants review deadline extended

The Victorian Government is rushing through its review of the fire services funding issue, and now the alliance of business groups which has forced the review is worrying about half-baked solutions. That’s not how Peter Jamvold, the Insurance Council of Australia's Group Manager – Southern Division, puts it, but he does admit to concern about the Government’s seeming determination to have the review completed on time.

The review by the State Treasury was due to be given to the Government yesterday, and Mr Jamvold is concerned that at this stage the review is a trifle “under-developed”.

He said Victorian Premier Steve Bracks “sees nothing magic” in the March 31 deadline and “didn’t see a problem” with moving the deadline back when they met recently. “The current timetable doesn’t allow for detailed modelling to be undertaken; work which would provide the Government with a proper base from which to make an informed decision on the funding issue,” Mr Jamvold said.

“I understand that Treasury is under time constraints, and so on, but it’s important to get this thing right,” he said. “It’s imperative to have completed detailed economic modelling so costs can be kept down and [a new funding system] program has a strong structure.”