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WA insurance taxes will be halved

10 December 2002

The eradication of the Fire Services Levy in Western Australia will halve the level of general insurance taxes by the end of this month, according to ICA…

Dexta likely to bow out of building

10 December 2002

Builders’ warranty insurance supplier Dexta will not be renewing cover to builders in NSW on December 31, leaving around 20,000 builders looking for new cover…

No I’m not, says Gribbin

10 December 2002

IBNA’s non-executive Chairman Gary Gribbin has moved quickly and forcefully to correct any impression that he has taken over as CEO following the resignation of Paul Serong…

UMP members indemnified for next 12 months

03 December 2002

Members of failed medical indemnity insurer United Medical Protection won’t have to worry about finding another insurer or medical defence organisation to indemnify them…

R&SA case is very different to IAG

26 November 2002

The poor investor response to the IAG share offer doesn’t necessarily reflect on the likely success or failure of the Royal & SunAlliance Asia-Pacific division float, a leading Sydney analyst said…

McGrath takes on Government in his bid for cash

19 November 2002

HIH liquidator Tony McGrath brought the HIH/FAI scandal to new depths last week when he filed a lawsuit against the Government regulators which approved the sale of FAI to HIH…

Tort law reforms won’t be uniform

19 November 2002

Federal and state governments are taking similar but not completely uniform approaches to tort law reform after Friday’s ministerial meeting of Treasury heads in Brisbane…

PWC report shows premiums will reduce

19 November 2002

Ministers at the Brisbane meeting were also briefed on an actuarial report from PricewaterhouseCoopers which found the Ipp package could immediately reduce premiums by about 13.5%…

IBNA retracts comment on premium funders

19 November 2002

A backlash from the premium funding sector has caused IBNA CEO Paul Serong to retract a comment that could have suggested premium funders are “robbing IBNA of income”…

Dispute facility is now independent

19 November 2002

ASIC has approved the Insurance Brokers Disputes Limited in relation to Policy Statement 139 – Approval of External Complaints Resolution Schemes…