UAC appoints new chairman
11 February 2003
Paul Lynam, MD of SRS Insurance Group, has been elected the new Chairman of the Australian Underwriting Agencies Council for 2003…
11 February 2003
Paul Lynam, MD of SRS Insurance Group, has been elected the new Chairman of the Australian Underwriting Agencies Council for 2003…
11 February 2003
An international poll conducted by Euromoney Legal Group ranks six Phillip Fox insurance lawyers among the world’s best…
11 February 2003
John Hastings, joint founder of the Australian Insurance Law Association, has been awarded the AIDA medal by the International Association for Insurance Law…
04 February 2003
Canberra’s bushfire insurance bill is estimated at $250 million, although some industry insiders suggest it may climb as high as $300 million…
04 February 2003
The industry may have to change its laid-back attitude to policyholders living in houses surrounded by bushland, but insurers certainly won’t have any trouble paying claims…
04 February 2003
Brokers are moving into 2003 enjoying a resurgence of inflence in the market, according to NIBA CEO Noel Pettersen…
04 February 2003
Doctors’ planned litigation against UMP is “unhelpful” and could put the insurance of hundreds of doctors insured by the group at risk, according to APRA…
04 February 2003
Competition in the public liability area is sufficient to ensure efficient and cost-effective claims management practices in Australia…
04 February 2003
Robert Porter is back in the courts…
04 February 2003
The HIH Royal Commission has had its deadline for handing over its findings to the Federal Government extended from February 28 to April 4…
17 December 2002
The year started out with the beginning of what rapidly became known to the media as the “insurance crisis”…
17 December 2002
The devastating terrorist bomb attack in Bali dominated media headlines in October…
17 December 2002
The initial signs of trouble with medical indemnity insurer Australasian Medical Insurance Ltd – United Medical Protection’s fully owned insurance company – came to light…
17 December 2002
Early in the year the HIH Royal Commission investigations into FAI’s financial reinsurance arrangements with General & Cologne Re began…
17 December 2002
In April NIBA unveiled its campaign to lobby state and territory governments to abolish insurance taxes…
17 December 2002
As the impact of the global downturn began to deeply impact the global industry – even the most powerful reinsurer of all, Munich Re, had its AAA rating downgraded…
17 December 2002
Tomorrow is D-day for the leading figures in the HIH collapse…
17 December 2002
Frank Earl, the MD of Arthur J Gallagher Professional Services Australasia, is the new President of NIBA…
10 December 2002
NSW Premier Bob Carr might have expected the insurance industry to hurriedly endorse his call for home and contents insurance to be made compulsory…
10 December 2002
Although the Insurance Disaster Response Organisation has yet to issue an estimate of the total property damage cost from the current NSW bushfires, it’s not expected to be significant…