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UAC appoints new chairman

11 February 2003

Paul Lynam, MD of SRS Insurance Group, has been elected the new Chairman of the Australian Underwriting Agencies Council for 2003…

AILA’s founder wins top award

11 February 2003

John Hastings, joint founder of the Australian Insurance Law Association, has been awarded the AIDA medal by the International Association for Insurance Law…

Canberra bushfires to cost $250 million

04 February 2003

Canberra’s bushfire insurance bill is estimated at $250 million, although some industry insiders suggest it may climb as high as $300 million…

Liability insurance is competitive

04 February 2003

Competition in the public liability area is sufficient to ensure efficient and cost-effective claims management practices in Australia…

HIH Royal Commission update

04 February 2003

The HIH Royal Commission has had its deadline for handing over its findings to the Federal Government extended from February 28 to April 4…

Medical indemnity: a doctored result

17 December 2002

The initial signs of trouble with medical indemnity insurer Australasian Medical Insurance Ltd – United Medical Protection’s fully owned insurance company – came to light…

Foreign insurers: pulling out

17 December 2002

As the impact of the global downturn began to deeply impact the global industry – even the most powerful reinsurer of all, Munich Re, had its AAA rating downgraded…

NSW bushfires cost won’t be significant

10 December 2002

Although the Insurance Disaster Response Organisation has yet to issue an estimate of the total property damage cost from the current NSW bushfires, it’s not expected to be significant…