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Victoria agrees to inquiry extension

Insurers and industry groups in Victoria have convinced the Government to extend the time limit for the fire services levy (FSL) inquiry. State Treasurer John Brumby announced the extension at the Insurance Council of Australia's (ICA) annual state conference in Melbourne last week.

ICA Group Manager Southern Division Peter Jamvold met Victorian Premier Steve Bracks during March to discuss the issues surrounding the Victorian bushfires. During the discussions he asked the Premier for support in seeking an extension of the time available for the FSL review.

Considering the Government’s unseemly pre-election haste in calling the inquiry – and Mr Brumby’s reluctance to change any insurance taxes that are giving his coffers millions in windfall gains – the extension of time has been greeted by the business coalition as a positive indication.

Mr Jamvold says the council will now commence discussions with the Department of Treasury and Finance to determine fine details of the extension. He says ICA will also assist in developing a proper quantitative modelling program.