Rumours surround insurer’s fate
22 October 2002
Meanwhile, speculation is mounting that another major foreign-owned Australian insurer is about to be taken over, possibly by German insurer Allianz…
22 October 2002
Meanwhile, speculation is mounting that another major foreign-owned Australian insurer is about to be taken over, possibly by German insurer Allianz…
22 October 2002
Eminent Victorian lawyer Peter Rashleigh will be “most surprised” if there are no claims against insurance brokers arising out of the placement of cover with HIH…
22 October 2002
Too many small businesses and householders aren’t taking out insurance or are underinsured, according to an ICA survey…
22 October 2002
The Law Council of Australia seems to be against tort reform half of the time and in support of it the rest of the time…
22 October 2002
While the Law Council is busy with its own campaign, the Victorian Bar Council has warned it will make an election issue out of common law rights if the state Government…
22 October 2002
One of Australia’s best-known brokers, Robert Owen, died on Sunday after a long battle with cancer…
15 October 2002
The subject of travel insurance isn’t the thing that springs instantly to mind when we consider the carnage in Bali…
15 October 2002
Australian general insurers are continuing to face significant challenges over the next year, but Standard & Poor’s, at least, is positive about the outlook…
15 October 2002
The woes of weak international equity markets on commercial insurance and the effect of September 11 on reinsurance markets will be hitting our shores sooner and harder…
15 October 2002
The Victorian Government’s liability laws reform package passed through the state’s Lower House of Parliament last week without opposition…
15 October 2002
Decreases in commercial cover or higher excesses are signs that some businesses can’t continue to keep up with rising premiums…
15 October 2002
The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council’s strategies are beginning to pay off. It has reported a 21% decrease in car thefts compared to this time last year…
15 October 2002
A Australian court case that has seen a plaintiff fail in suing an airline over claims that she contracted Deep Vein Thrombosis…
15 October 2002
Brokers and related professionals are packing their bags this week and getting set to head for Adelaide for the annual NIBA Convention…
08 October 2002
The prospect of finding a resolution to the insurance crisis is looking more optimistic…
08 October 2002
Senator Coonan also landed herself in-hot-water with the media last week making a comment after the ministerial summit- which she was later forced to defend–that accident victims…
08 October 2002
The Federal Government is expected to announce its medical indemnity rescue package this month…
08 October 2002
The Insurance Council says the ACCC report on pricing released late September contains “a number of flaws that inflated profit projections”…
08 October 2002
The future is all we’ve got – at least that was the message from industry consultant Ted Hogg at last week’s CIBNZ conference on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast…
01 October 2002
The Federal Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has continued its attack on state-based workers’ compensation schemes, and now claims the schemes are outdated…