APRA: PI crisis not insurers’ fault
25 March 2003
APRA has come out firmly on the side of professional indemnity insurers, insisting they have every right to refuse to handle losing business…
25 March 2003
APRA has come out firmly on the side of professional indemnity insurers, insisting they have every right to refuse to handle losing business…
25 March 2003
Brokers are being instructed by clients to secure liability cover at any cost, and if that means using unauthorised foreign insurers, then so be it…
25 March 2003
The Western Australian Government has introduced a second round of negligence laws in a last-minute bid to address the ongoing string of liability insurance shocks…
25 March 2003
Victoria was to experience the world’s biggest tomato fight at the Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix earlier this month, but the idea went sour when the organisers were unable…
25 March 2003
Australian insurers have added more fuel to the fiery directors’ and officers’ insurance debate…
25 March 2003
The “claims made” provisions of insurance contracts have again come in for attention after the NSW Court of Appeal rejected an attempt by Gosford City Council to make a claim…
25 March 2003
Brokers are doing much better in the market than had been expected a few years ago, says NIBA CEO Noel Pettersen
18 March 2003
There’s just no telling the Victorian Government when it comes to its astronomical taxes like the fire services levies and stamp duty…
18 March 2003
Car thefts are down around the country, and the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council can take a bow. ICA Executive Director Alan Mason says the drop in thefts…
18 March 2003
Natural disaster losses cost the Australian insurance industry $380 million in the last year, with the Canberra fires accounting for $312 alone…
18 March 2003
Speaking of natural disasters, Victoria’s Bracks Government has stepped up efforts to raise funds for the 2003 Bushfire Recovery Appeal Fund…
18 March 2003
Premier Steve Bracks has announced Victoria will conduct an inquiry into this year’s bushfires, which were the worst since Ash Wednesday in 1983…
18 March 2003
The Australian Professional Indemnity Group is holding a seminar on Wednesday featuring a range of speakers who will be able to give their views from both sides of the PI fence…
18 March 2003
The Banking Insurance & Investment Assist call centre launched in June last year has released some impressive results for the six months ending December 2002…
11 March 2003
A new ICA industry survey shows people are confident about the financial strength of insurers and their ability to pay claims, despite recent market volatility…
11 March 2003
Lawyers are “scare-mongering” to capitalise on intermediaries’ uncertainty about their ability to move painlessly into the new FSRA licensing regime…
11 March 2003
ASIC has denied persistent rumours that it may be forced to extend the licensing compliance period of the FSRA to accommodate a last-minute rush…
11 March 2003
Some heavyweights in the Victorian scene have lined up for and against the review of the state’s fire services levy system, making it even harder for State Treasurer John Brumby…
04 March 2003
Assistant Treasurer Helen Coonan says a Commonwealth review of taxes affecting the affordability of household insurance is likely to be useless because of high state…
04 March 2003
Victoria’s WorkCover Authority has announced its fourth successive insurance profit for the six months ending December 31, recording a $338 million profit from insurance operations…