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Special needs call

16 November 2004

The insurance industry is neglecting its duty to ensure that consumers understand what they are buying, says Sandra Handley…

Class cancelled for HIH ex-chief

09 November 2004

Former HIH Insurance Chief Executive Ray Williams had a rare court victory last week when a Federal Court class action against him was struck out due to a lack of precision…

Businesses win $32 million compensation

09 November 2004

After six years the Victorian Supreme Court approved a $32 million compensation package yesterday for 500 businesses affected by an explosion at the Longford gas plant in 1998…

National workers’ comp showdown looms

09 November 2004

Canberra’s approval for Optus to shift its workers’ compensation to a national scheme will be examined in a Federal Court case on November 25…

Car parts code starts up

09 November 2004

Work is under way to set up a body to administer a new code of practice for auto part recyclers…

States back Hardie enforcement

09 November 2004

The other states have backed a NSW move to legislate to force James Hardie Industries to compensate asbestos victims…

Weather in 3-D

09 November 2004

A new book from the Bureau of Meteorology – Drought, Dust and Deluge – could be a good Christmas stocking-filler for insurance executives…

No sixes for cricketers

09 November 2004

Liability concerns are preventing cricketers at a sports ground at the leafy Melbourne eastern suburb of Glen Iris from whacking a six to the boundary…

Actuary of the year, actually

09 November 2004

IAG Chief Risk Officer and Group Actuary Tony Coleman has been named Actuary of the Year 2004 for his achievements in risk management…

ASIC to review Marsh procedures

02 November 2004

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission says it will review particular remuneration structures provided by Marsh…

Dominion puts UFI business on hold

02 November 2004

Queensland-based underwriting agency Dominion Underwriting has suspended operations while it reviews its overseas security…

Going for brokers

02 November 2004

Brokers are still by far the biggest distributors of commercial insurance, and it’s going to stay that way, according to the JP Morgan and Deloitte 2004 General Insurance Industry Survey…

ICA’s snappy retort on reform claim

02 November 2004

Plaintiffs’ lawyers are continuing their push to unwind tort reforms, which presumably means the reforms are working and the lawyers’ bank accounts aren’t…

Optus compo move hits snag

02 November 2004

The Victorian Government has taken legal action to try to stop Optus from joining the national Comcare workers’ compensation scheme…

Adler set for High Court

02 November 2004

Former FAI chief and HIH director Rodney Adler plans to appeal to the High Court following the failure of his application to the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal…

Victorian WorkCover in front at last

02 November 2004

The Victorian WorkCover Authority has announced a $1.2 billion annual profit for 2003/04, making it the first time in two decades the workplace injury insurance scheme…

No parallels with US, says NIBA

26 October 2004

The “contingent commissions” controversy boiling around US brokers doesn’t have application here, says NIBA…