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Pearce prepares paper on FSRA changes

A series of roundtable discussions are planned for a review of the Financial Services Reform Act (FSRA). And Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer Chris Pearce has indicated that it won’t just be disclosure requirements under the spotlight.

He says “ongoing dialogue” with the various stakeholders in the FSRA will help ensure “that the FSR disclosure requirements, and for that matter all aspects of the FSR framework, operate more fully as intended”.

Mr Pearce says he is in the final stages of preparing a paper proposing “a number of refinements” to the regulations.

The changes “will make it more responsive to the needs of both industry and consumers”, he told a conference in Sydney.

“I intend to oversee a process of consultation with industry and consumer representatives on the proposed refinements. The consultation process will include – in addition to the normal written submission process – a series of stakeholder “roundtables.”

Mr Pearce says he wants to ensure that all industry players, “both large and small”, get the opportunity to air their views.