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Kiwi tractors fire up

12 October 2004

With a busy planting season approaching, New Zealand-based insurer Tower is warning the country’s farmers to check tractors for bird nests…

Assetinsure shows an adventurous taste

12 October 2004

Insurance companies usually invest in property and bonds but niche insurer Assetinsure has found a more exciting way of making money – it has bought a winery…

Salaries: how insurance CEOs stack up

05 October 2004

Opposition financial services spokesman Stephen Conroy has attacked the level of salaries received by the chief executives of public companies…

Six-year rule prompted civil action

05 October 2004

Why did HIH liquidator Tony McGrath pick the lead-up to a federal election – which involves political candidate Malcolm Turnbull – to file a civil action…?

AICLA President steps aside

05 October 2004

After two years at the helm, Mark Godfrey is standing down as President of the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters…

Insurers keen to negotiate on asbestos scheme

28 September 2004

Insurance companies are keen to have a say in negotiations between the ACTU and James Hardie Industries as to whether a statutory scheme for asbestos claims…

ASIC doesn’t find much to like about ICA’s code

28 September 2004

Public submissions for the Insurance Council of Australia’s new draft code of practice have now been sent to former ASIC Chairman David Knott for consideration, and the submission…

Turnbull faces court action

28 September 2004

Chief HIH liquidator Tony McGrath has filed a claim against people and organisations involved with FAI Insurance when it was sold to HIH, including merchant banker…

Sydney Water seeks damages from Heath Lambert

28 September 2004

Sydney Water has filed a summons in the NSW Supreme Court against former broker Heath Lambert Group Australasia – since acquired by Marsh – seeking damages…

Smash repair war hots up in NZ

28 September 2004

While the Productivity Commission in Australia gets set to conduct an inquiry into the relationship between the smash repair industry and motor insurance companies…

NSW compo deficit improves

28 September 2004

The NSW Workers’ Compensation Scheme has recorded a $576 million improvement in its financial position, according to NSW Commerce Minister John Della Bosca…

AICLA tackles training void

28 September 2004

Claims professionals met in Sydney last Thursday for the launch of the new training body for people working in the claims sector…

Fraud on the rise

28 September 2004

Fraud takes a lower public profile these days, but a new a Deloitte Forensic survey says corporate fraud is on the rise…

IAG out of Queensland and NSW

21 September 2004

IAG has substantially scaled down its property risk in southern Queensland and NSW because it believes the region is exposed to a greater threat of natural disasters…

Self-insurance plans stymied

21 September 2004

Not surprisingly, the state governments have signalled their resistance to big companies wanting to self-insure nationally and move out of various state workers’ compensation schemes…

NTI expands reach

21 September 2004

National Transport Insurance has opened a new office in Darwin…