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No-fault compo package on its way, says NSW

The NSW Government’s proposed no-fault compensation scheme for catastrophically injured people is on its way, but the details about who it will apply to and how it will be funded are still being worked out.

In February Premier Bob Carr announced he would propose a no-fault package to provide compensation for the hundreds of catastrophically injured people who can’t make claims because of restrictions imposed by the tort reform process.

While the state wouldn’t back down from finishing the tort reform process, he said a no-fault scheme will ensure “regardless of fault, those [catastrophically injured] people are looked after”.

Disability Services Minister and Assistant Treasurer John Della Bosca is handling the scheme. Spokesman Andrew Plumley told Sunrise Exchange News while the Government “isn’t ready to make an announcement about no-fault schemes”, progress has been made on the issue.

“A lot has happened, but we’re still working on a package and considering who it applies to and how it is funded et cetera,” he said.

Mr Plumley wouldn’t say whether the proposed scheme has yet been considered by the NSW Cabinet.