Rates heading up, say brokers
20 October 2008
Insurance brokers are predicting across-the-board rate increases during the December renewals period...
20 October 2008
Insurance brokers are predicting across-the-board rate increases during the December renewals period...
20 October 2008
Some Australian financial services companies will have to restructure following the global financial crisis, but financial market volatility is yet to be felt locally...
20 October 2008
The fire services levy in NSW is closer to being extinguished after the state’s economic regulator released a damning final report on state taxation last week...
20 October 2008
The Insurance Council wants the NSW Government to immediately abolish the insurance protection tax used to levy insurers after the collapse of HIH Insurance...
20 October 2008
Promina executives found to be surplus to requirements following the $7.9 billion merger with Suncorp last year were the main beneficiaries from an $8 million severance payouts bill...
13 October 2008
Insurance brokers are upbeat about future growth prospects despite gloomy economic conditions, according to a new survey by Macquarie Relationship Banking...
13 October 2008
An industry report reveals major economic efficiencies can be gained from abolishing insurance stamp duty...
13 October 2008
Lack of rainfall and dry conditions across the country have increased the risk of intense bushfires as well as the potential for fires to strike earlier than usual...
13 October 2008
NIBA has attacked the ongoing heavy taxation of insurance in a submission to the Federal Government review of Australia’s tax system...
13 October 2008
Brokers’ clients are returning to premium funding as their preferred method of paying for insurance, according to Macquarie Premium Funding CEO Gary Seymour...
13 October 2008
NIBA will support the convergence of Insurance Brokers Disputes Ltd into the Financial Ombudsman Service as long as brokers are not disadvantaged…
06 October 2008
It’s official – AIG intends to remain as a significant player in the Australian insurance market, and its aggressive strategy of moving into new market segments is being retained...
06 October 2008
The US financial crisis and resultant slide in the Australian stock market has seen local insurance shares emerge as diamonds in the rough...
06 October 2008
The ongoing Senate inquiry into home warranty insurance has sparked a verbal stoush between public and private providers of the product...
06 October 2008
The Institute of Actuaries of Australia has named Sydney executive Darren Wickham as actuary of the year...
06 October 2008
Road rage is on the increase in Australia, according to a survey by insurer AAMI...
06 October 2008
Finalists have been selected from a record number of nominations for the Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand general insurance industry awards...
29 September 2008
Australian general insurers are generally well insulated from the financial turmoil engulfing the US economy, according to the Reserve Bank of Australia...
29 September 2008
The Housing Industry Association has defended its controversial stance on home warranty insurance, maintaining the policy works despite being labelled “junk insurance” by builders…
29 September 2008
WA oil and gas exploration and production company Tap Oil has won a $4.7 million partial interim business interruption claim relating to the loss of gas supply following…