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NIBA disputes dispute resolution cap

10 November 2008

NIBA has opposed the corporate regulator’s proposal to impose uniform dispute resolution services and raise the compensation limit by 280%...

Market set to harden

03 November 2008

Industry heavyweights say Australian insurers are well placed to ride out the storm as the world economy deteriorates, with premium rates set to harden...

Turnbull’s HIH nightmare near end?

03 November 2008

Parties involved in the HIH Insurance case involving Federal Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull appear to be close to settlement...

Harry Dickinson dead at 90

03 November 2008

Interruption Underwriting Agencies founder Harry Dickinson Snr died at the weekend. He was 90 years old...




Marsh chief sees premium rises on the way

27 October 2008

The local commercial insurance market is in for a “correction” in rates, but not on the scale of the premium rises of the 1990s, according to Marsh Pacific CEO David Bidmead...

Uncertainty pervades global risk

27 October 2008

Risk management has become an extremely uncertain practice due to financial market complexity and spiralling catastrophe costs, according to KPMG analyst Andries Terblanche...

New president, deputy for AICLA

27 October 2008

Ian McWalter of NSW loss adjusting firm Technical Assessing has stepped up to the plate as the new President of the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters...

QBE grabs another gong

27 October 2008

QBE has taken out the top award at the Australian Banking and Finance Magazine Insurance Awards in Sydney...

Parking prangs rack up $43 million

27 October 2008

NRMA Insurance has taken in 27,000 claims for parking accidents in NSW in the past year – and it says most occur in shopping centres...