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ICA flood decision disappoints brokers, consumers

08 September 2008

Brokers and consumer law advocates say they’re disappointed by the Insurance Council of Australia’s decision not to revise its common flood definition after it was rejected last week...

Website ordered to change name

08 September 2008 has been ordered by a federal magistrate to change its name and write to its subscribers advising it has no connection with a website…

Insurers avoid financial crisis

08 September 2008

The general insurance industry has managed to escape the worst of the current global financial crisis, despite its increased involvement in capital markets...

Statistics confirm premiums on the increase

01 September 2008

New figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics confirm what the industry has been saying for at least a year – personal lines premiums are on the rise...

Sydney most costly for insurance

01 September 2008

A survey of Australia’s best home and contents insurance deals shows that Sydney residents on average pay 26% more than Melbournians and 48% more than Hobart residents…

Russell holds top post at IBANZ

25 August 2008

Richard Russell has been elected President of the Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand for a third year...

NZ market hardening, say brokers

25 August 2008

Premium rates in the New Zealand market are hardening across the board, according to brokers at the IBANZ conference...

Beaconsfield loses battle over claim

25 August 2008

The owners of Tasmania’s Beaconsfield gold mine, scene of the dramatic 2006 rescue of two miners trapped by a rock fall, has lost its court battle with QBE for a $45.5 million claim...