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Industry anger as NSW adds another levy

17 November 2008

The insurance industry has reacted angrily to the NSW Government’s imposition of a new $39 million levy on insurance policies to fund the State Emergency Service...

Senate wants home warranty insurance beefed up

17 November 2008

The Senate Economics Committee has completed its eight-month inquiry into last-resort home warranty insurance by recommending better consumer protection measures for the product...

KPMG defends itself over Westpoint claims

17 November 2008

KPMG has until next March to give its defence over the auditing of Westpoint companies as it takes on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission in court...

Mixed outlook for general insurance industry

17 November 2008

The economic downturn will put pressure on gross written premium growth and is likely to spur increased claims on certain insurance lines, a leading industry analyst claims...

Profitability of recent years now in the past

17 November 2008

A slowing economy, a turnaround in the soft market for commercial lines, increasing pressure from claims inflation and the diminishing influence of reserve releases is…

Brisbane storm ‘worst in years’

17 November 2008

A storm that battered south-east Queensland late yesterday is the worst to hit the area in 24 years, according a local loss adjuster...

NT Government quells premium hike fears

17 November 2008

NT’s Country Liberal Opposition is causing a stir by suggesting motor insurance premiums in the territory will skyrocket due to the financial crisis...

Industry leaders uncertain over ANZIIF/CII merger

10 November 2008

Industry leaders will need some convincing before the merger of the major insurance training organisation with the London-based Chartered Insurance Institute gets their full support...