Allianz flees North Queensland personal lines market
29 September 2008
Allianz Australia has defended its decision to deny North Queenslanders home insurance cover for cyclone, storm and flood damage...
29 September 2008
Allianz Australia has defended its decision to deny North Queenslanders home insurance cover for cyclone, storm and flood damage...
29 September 2008
A survey from car insurer Budget Direct reveals Victoria has an important skills shortage – many drivers don’t know the road rules...
23 September 2008
22 September 2008
Local brokers should not panic and shed business placed with AIG Australia as the US parent recovers from the brink of collapse, according to a senior broker...
22 September 2008
The parent company may be under the pump but it’s business as usual for the foreign-based subsidiaries of AIG...
22 September 2008
QBE has won its seventh straight NIBA General Insurer of the Year accolade at the NIBA Convention in Darwin...
22 September 2008
Zurich Financial Services Australia CEO David Smith is disappointed that an industry approach to a common flood definition for now appears dead and buried...
22 September 2008
Credit insurance claims are increasing across almost all industries, according to Australia and NZ’s largest credit insurance broker and risk manager...
22 September 2008
Jardine Lloyd Thompson senior executive Steve Ball has been awarded NIBA’s Lex McKeown Trophy for outstanding service to broking and the association...
22 September 2008
WA broker Ian Poustie has been named winner of the Warren Tickle Memorial Award for young brokers...
22 September 2008
The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance has launched its new Generation i website,
22 September 2008
NIBA has revealed a new corporate image at its convention in Darwin...
15 September 2008
Severe weather events are no longer unusual and insurers’ pricing models must reflect this, according to KPMG...
15 September 2008
The insurance industry is likely to find itself dragged into the case of a Melbourne suburb that is sitting on leaking methane gas...
15 September 2008
As Melbourne gears up for its iconic spring racing carnival, it’s taking out a $100 million insurance policy against an equine influenza outbreak similar to the one that last year…
15 September 2008
A steady decline in the number of passenger/light vehicle thefts has been recorded over the past year, but motorcycle thefts are rising…
15 September 2008
And now to the horoscopes… AAMI has found moody Cancerians, unpredictable Aquarians and fatalistic Capricorns are more likely to crash their cars than other astrological star signs...
15 September 2008
Australian businesses trading with China have been warned that the number of non-payments from Chinese businesses is on the increase...
15 September 2008
More than 700 insurance professionals will travel to Darwin later this week to attend the annual NIBA Convention, which is being held in the Top End for the first time...
15 September 2008
Sydney lawyer Ian Enright has won the 2008 British Insurance Law Association Book Prize awarded for the most notable contribution to literature in the field of insurance law...