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Industry rises to the bushfire claims challenge

Insurance companies will work together to ease the burden and ensure bushfire victims get their claims processed as quickly as possible.

Assistant Treasurer Chris Bowen told the House of Representatives on Thursday that each of the 12 relief centres set up in bushfire-affected areas will have an insurance representative to process victims’ claims – regardless of which company they are with.

Suncorp Personal Insurance spokesman Rob Whelan told each company will have a representative at the recovery centres on a rotational basis. It will be that person’s responsibility to take any enquiries from claimants, regardless of their individual insurer.

“There’s a generic claim form that they can get the claimant to fill out and then it’s the responsibility of the representative to get the claim form to the appropriate insurer or direct them to a telephone number or a hotline,” he said.

A spokesman for Mr Bowen told the Federal Government and the insurance industry are doing their best to help the victims.

“The Minister is in close daily contact with the Insurance Council of Australia,” he said. “We will make sure if there are any issues that pop up they will be dealt with very quickly.”

The National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) has offered free broker services to people affected by the bushfires in an effort to expedite claims. NIBA today ran a half-page advertisement in Melbourne newspaper the Herald Sun inviting victims to use local brokers to assist in any complex claims.

The Financial Planners Association (FPA) has made a similar offer to those needing advice and a coalition of lawyer associations is offering free legal advice.