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Credit insurance claims hit record high

22 September 2008

Credit insurance claims are increasing across almost all industries, according to Australia and NZ’s largest credit insurance broker and risk manager...

Methane leak payouts unlikely

15 September 2008

The insurance industry is likely to find itself dragged into the case of a Melbourne suburb that is sitting on leaking methane gas...

Car thieves turning to motorbikes

15 September 2008

A steady decline in the number of passenger/light vehicle thefts has been recorded over the past year, but motorcycle thefts are rising…

AAMI is seeing stars

15 September 2008

And now to the horoscopes… AAMI has found moody Cancerians, unpredictable Aquarians and fatalistic Capricorns are more likely to crash their cars than other astrological star signs...

Businesses trading with China warned

15 September 2008

Australian businesses trading with China have been warned that the number of non-payments from Chinese businesses is on the increase...

NIBA brokers flock to Darwin

15 September 2008

More than 700 insurance professionals will travel to Darwin later this week to attend the annual NIBA Convention, which is being held in the Top End for the first time...

Local law expert wins British book prize

15 September 2008

Sydney lawyer Ian Enright has won the 2008 British Insurance Law Association Book Prize awarded for the most notable contribution to literature in the field of insurance law...

ICA flood decision disappoints brokers, consumers

08 September 2008

Brokers and consumer law advocates say they’re disappointed by the Insurance Council of Australia’s decision not to revise its common flood definition after it was rejected last week...

Website ordered to change name

08 September 2008 has been ordered by a federal magistrate to change its name and write to its subscribers advising it has no connection with a website…