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Life Insurance

ASIC goes super shadow shopping

05 April 2005

ASIC is about to embark on one of its famous “shadow shopping” exercises to assess the advice advisers are giving their clients…

Low super awareness triggers campaign

30 March 2005

While more than half a million Australians took up the Federal Government’s Superannuation Co-contribution Scheme last financial year, many remain unaware of their eligibility…

Costly exit for many old super accounts

30 March 2005

At least 550,000 Australians face significant termination fees on superannuation accounts purchased in the 1980s and 1990s according to ASIC…

Not such a super choice, says ASFA

15 March 2005

The Federal Government’s superannuation choice scheme takes force on July 1, but still faces significant criticism from superannuation figureheads…

NAB calls for more super investment, less tax

15 March 2005

National Australia Bank says Australians aren’t putting away enough money for their retirements, and they are confused by the complexity of products available…

Government bypasses state super laws

15 March 2005

The Federal Government says it will over-ride state industrial legislation by applying the new choice of super fund to workers under state awards…

IFRS discussion paper released

08 March 2005

APRA has released the first of two discussion papers on its response to the implementation of the new International Financial Reporting Standards…

Life insurance to grow due to underinsurance

01 March 2005

The outlook for Australia’s life insurance sector is improving due to the level of underinsurance among the population, according to a report released by analysts Moody’s…

Super scheme costly but popular

01 March 2005

While the Federal Government’s superannuation co-contribution scheme is costing it millions in expenses, Assistant Treasurer Mal Brough is adamant the policy will not be shelved…

De Castries: trials and opportunities

15 February 2005

Axa CEO Henri de Castries paid a brief visit to his far-flung Australian operations last week, and took the time to explain just how hard it is to run a large international financial services group…

Super choice attracts some tension

15 February 2005

As the industry prepares for workers to have the right to choose where their compulsory superannuation payments will be invested from July 1, the regulators are issuing…

Vamos: stop bagging financial reform

08 February 2005

Financial services companies have been told to stop “bagging” the industry’s governing legislation to their foreign counterparts…

Super $65 million ready to move

08 February 2005

About $65 million of superannuation assets are likely to move as the industry changes shape following the introduction of choice of fund in July this year…

Planners urged 'go young'

01 February 2005

A survey shows many young people would consider financial advice in spite of their modest resources, thereby presenting business expansion opportunities for brokers…

Super industry pushes for zero super surcharge

01 February 2005

The superannuation industry is pressuring the Federal Government on tax cuts, with three key groups pushing for action on the high income earners’ surcharge and an extension…

FPA launches course accreditation

01 February 2005

The Financial Planning Association intends to assess the quality of its members’ entry-level financial planning courses…

Super choice panel announced

07 December 2004

A five-person independent advisory committee will assist the Australian Taxation Office with the Federal Government’s superannuation “choice of fund” education campaign…

Co-contribution grows

07 December 2004

More than 17% of low and middle income-earners will receive a Federal Government co-contribution to their superannuation, according to official figures for 2003/04…

New president for AFA

16 November 2004

Michael Murphy has been named President of the Association of Financial Advisers, taking over from Robin Yates – and he’s getting straight down to business…