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Life Insurance

IFSA sets savings as a priority

28 October 2003

A new “climate and culture” is needed to solve customer service expectations and close the $600 billion retirement savings shortfall, says Investment and Financial Services Association…

AMP’s $1.2 billion capital raising

09 September 2003

After a turbulent few months, AMP is planning a $1.2 billion rights issue to help bolster its Australian operations before it splits from its troubled British business…

Life insurance for diabetics

09 September 2003

Diabetes Australia has secured a new life insurance deal for people suffering from the disease…

Tool kit to boost planners’ standards

09 September 2003

In a bid to raise the standard of professionalism and advice in the financial planning industry, the industry’s peak association has released a tool kit covering relationships…

MLC kicks off the award season

02 September 2003

It’s insurance awards time. NIBA is polling brokers for its annual “General Insurer of the Year” and Warren Tickle awards which will be awarded at next month’s convention…

Fee disclosure model released

12 August 2003

The drive to raise the financial planning sector’s transparency is well under way, with ASIC devising a model for more open fee disclosure and the major trade associations…

Disclosure is a hot ASIC issue

12 August 2003

The ASIC fee disclosure model for Product Disclosure Statements of investment products says “significant fees” should be disclosed so they can be understood by investors…

Planners to get degrees by 2007

05 August 2003

From the beginning of 2007 members of the Financial Planning Association will have to have a university degree or equivalent to be certified financial planners…

Life insurance sales fall

05 August 2003

Life premiums during the first quarter of the year were down nearly 20% on last year’s figure, according to APRA…

Super assets down $8.9 billion

22 July 2003

The Australian super industry suffered a blow last quarter with assets reaching $507.7 billion – that’s almost $9 billion down on the previous quarter…

AFA: don’t drop accountants

15 July 2003

The Association of Financial Advisers has joined the growing clamour against a Federal Government decision to exempt accountants from aspects…

IFSA wants private pension reforms

08 July 2003

The Investment and Financial Services Association wants national reforms to boost private pension uptake after its quarterly retirement income stream report…

AMP puts NPI into run-off

24 June 2003

AMP is putting the life insurance operations of its ailing British operation National Provident Institution into run-off, laying off another 900 staff in the process…