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Institutes form financial superpower

The newly merged Securities Institute of Australia and the Australasian Institute of Banking and Finance have united as the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (Finsia).

CEO Brian Salter says Finsia connects the best of Australasia’s financial services, people and knowledge and that the new organisation has 160 years of combined experience in serving financial services professionals.

“With 20,000 members and 19,000 students, Finsia creates one of the largest financial services organisations in Australia and New Zealand,” he said. “With a more extensive reach, Finsia will provide its members access to a broader network within the financial services sector.”

Mr Salter says the new name was approved by the board following the June merger vote. “Extensive member consultation revealed the need for a clear, simple concise name that looked forward and would remain relevant into the future.” 

The institute has recently released an enhanced version of its Diploma of Financial Services (Banking) as a result of the merger. Finsia is currently developing new levels of membership to better reflect industry practice and standing.