IFSA award winners announced
10 August 2004
Winners of the inaugural IFSA industry awards were announced last week by Assistant Treasurer Mal Brough…
10 August 2004
Winners of the inaugural IFSA industry awards were announced last week by Assistant Treasurer Mal Brough…
03 August 2004
There will be no more free overseas holidays, cars and other “soft-dollar” perks for planners…
03 August 2004
On average, Australians hold just under 29% of the life insurance they need, according to Axa Australia…
27 July 2004
It’s been a bit like musical chairs at the FPA recently. Last week one senior staffer stepped down, another quit and there were two new executive appointments…
20 July 2004
The Financial Planning Association, the peak body supporting financial planners, has appointed Tribeca Learning to handle its education services…
13 July 2004
The Federal Government might be dragging its heels on the subject of a policyholder protection scheme for general insurance, but it will improve access to financial assistance…
06 July 2004
The Australian life insurance industry is looking a lot healthier than it has for some years, with Investment and Financial Services Association CEO Richard Gilbert…
29 June 2004
After almost two years of turmoil and negative media attention, the Financial Planning Association has appointed two new executives to plug some gaps left…
29 June 2004
ASIC has teamed up with the FPA, NIBA and other three industry groups in a bid to change the way financial planners are recruited…
22 June 2004
The Federal Government has pushed through new laws on the disclosure of fees and charges levied by superannuation funds…
16 June 2004
Financial planners’ soft commissions – including overseas holidays, cash payments and cars – are under fire again…
16 June 2004
The Australian Investors’ Association (AIA) has launched a scathing attack on financial planners following the release of the ASIC report…
08 June 2004
Australia’s life insurance industry is recovering from a long stint in the doldrums, Standard & Poor’s saying an improved operating environment will lead to sound earnings this year…
08 June 2004
Financial planners’ training places too much focus on product knowledge rather than skills such as communicating effectively with clients…
01 June 2004
About 40% of people earning between $30,000 and $50,000 would benefit from talking up the Commonwealth’s proposed $3 for $2 co-contribution super arrangements if implemented…
25 May 2004
The changes just keep coming for the peak body supporting Australian planners, the Financial Planning Association…
25 May 2004
Research company Dexx&R says strong growth has been recorded in the superannuation industry in the 12 months to March…
18 May 2004
New Zealand’s only locally owned insurer, Fidelity Life, is acquiring the established Lumley Life operation in NZ…
18 May 2004
The Government has given Axiss Australia, the body it established in 1999 to push the country as a global financial services centre, an extra $7.6 million to continue its work…
18 May 2004
The Budget decision to boost the Federal Government’s co-contribution scheme for superannuation has been welcomed by the industry…