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Life Insurance

Tower enhances life portfolio

13 September 2005

New Zealand-based insurer Tower has paid nearly $NZ23 million for a significant holding in Sydney-based insurance direct marketer InsuranceLine…

IFSA attacks accountants’ free run

23 August 2005

The Investment and Financial Services Association is becoming increasingly upset with what it sees as an unfair regulatory burden being faced by the superannuation funds…

FPA lashes out at ASIC’s comments

16 August 2005

The Financial Planning Association has been in overdrive since the Australian Securities and Investments Commission released the findings of its super switching survey…

Massive life insurance gap revealed: IFSA

09 August 2005

There’s a $1370 billion gap between the level of life insurance cover held by Australian families and the level of cover required to shield against financial risk…

IFSA acts to fix money laundering

26 July 2005

The Investment and Financial Services Association (IFSA) has signalled its approval of discussions to improve anti-money laundering regimes…

FPA on super savings for under-40s

26 July 2005

The Financial Planning Association’s Superannuation Committee is developing a submission to a parliamentary economics committee inquiry into the superannuation savings of people…

Super choice makes its debut

05 July 2005

Super Choice – the regime that will allow millions more Australians to choose their own superannuation schemes – finally came into action on Friday…

SIA and AIBF members vote in favour of merger

05 July 2005

A unity between the Securities Institute of Australia (SIA) and the Australasian Institute of Banking and Finance is now a firm reality, with members voting unanimously…

Life industry is going strong, says S&P

28 June 2005

The fundamentals of the Australian life insurance industry were strong last year, and they are likely to stay strong for most of this year, according to the latest Standard & Poor’s report…

ASIC advises planners on super switching

28 June 2005

ASIC has issued a guide to help planners and advisers comply with the Corporations Act when they give personal advice about switching super funds…

ASFA calls for end to super surcharge

21 June 2005

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia has called for an end to the additional super contributions tax imposed on middle to high-income earners…

Ads pulled as super debate rages on

15 June 2005

A series of ads by the Industry Fund Services have had to undergo amendments after ASIC decided they are likely to mislead or deceive audiences…

Aon wins super tender for law firm

15 June 2005

Aon Australia has won a $30 million contract to undertake superannuation administration, outsourcing, consulting and insurance services for law firm Minter Ellison…