Genetic tests increase
16 November 2004
The most common genetic test by local life insurers is for hereditary haemochromatosis, an inherited disorder in which iron accumulates in the blood…
16 November 2004
The most common genetic test by local life insurers is for hereditary haemochromatosis, an inherited disorder in which iron accumulates in the blood…
09 November 2004
A guide covering rebates and related payments to help improve remuneration practices in financial services and planning has been has been published…
09 November 2004
An Australian National University survey shows only 50% of people are aware that genetic testing information is used in insurance underwriting…
09 November 2004
The Association of Financial Advisers has dropped hints at its annual conference about a merger with other industry associations…
02 November 2004
The Financial Planning Association of Australia has released its annual report, with Chairman Steven Helmich describing the previous 12 months…
26 October 2004
An industry survey has found 88% of financial planners’ clients have rated their financial plans as “good” or “very good” – quite a contrast from last year’s “shadow shopping” report…
26 October 2004
Another new survey has found that people don’t like thinking about death or disability – and that’s why fewer than one-third of Australians aged 18-59 have a life insurance policy…
19 October 2004
Australian Unity’s new CEO wants to move the mutual away from its focus on health insurance to concentrate more on general insurance, funds management, retirement villages…
12 October 2004
Suncorp Metway Chief Executive John Mulcahy has been getting stuck into the allfinanz and bancassurance concepts…
12 October 2004
Axa Australia continues to expand its stable of financial planners through a program called Discovery, in which Axa buys client lists back from advisers it already licenses…
05 October 2004
ASIC Chairman Jeff Lucy has spoken out about the new International Financial Reporting Standards, saying that companies and the regulator will have issues with adapting…
28 September 2004
Everyone wants to get their hands on their superannuation before they qualify, but that doesn’t appear to be stopping the schemes willing to try…
21 September 2004
A work-based superannuation scheme could be in place in New Zealand by April 2007 to help tackle the nation’s poor savings record…
07 September 2004
It’s difficult to keep up with Financial Planning Association (FPA) staffing arrangements, but we try…
31 August 2004
The Financial Planning Association has called for tenders to supply services for its certified financial planner program…
24 August 2004
Australian families are woefully underinsured when it comes to life insurance, says Swiss Re’s prestigious Sigma Report…
17 August 2004
The Financial Industry Complaints Service (FICS) has launched a new conciliation process in response to the findings of an independent review released earlier this year…
17 August 2004
The new Chairwoman of the Financial Planning Association, Kathryn Greiner, is the first person unrelated to the industry to hold the position…
10 August 2004
The financial services industry has conflicts of interest that undermine trust because they affect the quality of advice and products, according to Australian Consumers Association…
10 August 2004
The Federal Government’s goal of having Australia recognised as a hub for financial services isn’t far off, according to a study by McKinsey…