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Jockeys get a leg-up, but some will fall off

24 June 2002

The Australian Jockey Association, caught short without public liability cover at the end of this month, was yesterday still anxiously awaiting the opportunity to…

Home warranty gets second wind

24 June 2002

The Victorian and NSW governments have announced they will continue to support Dexta’s home warranty facility after June 30 until September 30…

Agency says HIH collapse was predictable

24 June 2002

APRA, ASIC, shareholders and the wider industry couldn’t see HIH teetering on the brink of disaster at the start of last year, but a corporate credit rating agency says…

Barristers raise a PI hue and cry

24 June 2002

Lawyers and insurance are a historically volatile mix, which may explain the heat being generated among Victoria’s 1400 barristers over their new PI insurer…

Be fair, says ICA chief

24 June 2002

Governments around Australia should get behind the financial services sector and promote its well-being as an integral part of the Australian economy, says ICA Executive…

WA cuts FSL out of insurance

17 June 2002

The WA Government has announced its long-awaited new emergency services funding system, which will see insured residents experiencing a 23% drop in their insurance premiums…

Carr urges others to follow NSW lead

17 June 2002

NSW Premier Bob Carr is setting a cracking pace as he overhauls liability laws, and is urging the rest of the states to follow his lead…

ICA proposes an insurance pool

17 June 2002

ICA has announced a pooled insurance scheme by insurers as a short-term solution to the public liability crisis…

Medical indemnity: the big plan

17 June 2002

The next insurance “solution” – this time for medical indemnity in the wake of the UMP collapse – comes from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons…

AMA challenges levy plan

17 June 2002

The Federal Government’s rescue package for UMP-insured doctors has been challenged by the AMA, which is unhappy with the plan to levy more than half the nation’s doctors…

Adler denies FAI brought down HIH

11 June 2002

Former FAI CEO Rodney Adler has spent much of the past couple of months sitting as an observer at the HIH Royal Commission, and he has obviously been keen to give his view…

New law encourages structured settlements

11 June 2002

The Federal Government has introduced another measure in its strategy to clean up some insurance-related problems brought to light by the public liability crisis…

Experts brought in to help solve the crisis

11 June 2002

Despite being left out of the debate until now, Australia’s leading legal minds are now being recruited to give their advice on possible solutions to the public liability crisis…

Kiwis say they have medical indemnity answers

11 June 2002

Australia can solve its medical insurance crisis by adopting New Zealand-style measures, according to Professor Peter Davis from the Christchurch School of Medicine…

Adler, Williams made to dig deep

04 June 2002

The sentencing of former FAI CEO Rodney Adler and his HIH counterpart Ray Williams last Thursday closed the first chapter in the long-running saga of the HIH collapse…