Liability summit: no reforms, and not much else
04 June 2002
Confused about what happened last week when state and federal ministers met to thrash out a solution to the public liability insurance crisis..?
04 June 2002
Confused about what happened last week when state and federal ministers met to thrash out a solution to the public liability insurance crisis..?
04 June 2002
Premier Bob Carr is determined to get his tort law reforms past the Opposition-dominated Legislative Council without amendment – so determined that he is threatening…
04 June 2002
The 2002 Hays Personnel Survey reveals a distinct insurance career path opening up to those candidates with little or no industry experience…
04 June 2002
The medical indemnity crisis is slowly but surely being sorted out, thanks to the unenthusiastic but nevertheless fulsome largesse of the Federal Government…
04 June 2002
ICA has released a series of fact sheets giving the insurers’ side of the builders’ warranty insurance issue…
04 June 2002
ANZIIF’s new President is Marsh Chairman John Richardson, who was voted into the position at last week’s AGM…
04 June 2002
Having governments fixing up the insurance industry is like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank, according to Canberra academic Terry Dwyer…
28 May 2002
The Federal Government will provide terrorism cover for buildings and infrastructure in a bid to ease the string of problems that followed the global insurance industry’s exit…
28 May 2002
Despite his push for tort law reform – due to be introduced into Parliament today – NSW Premier Bob Carr seems resigned to the fact that reductions in spiraling liability premiums…
28 May 2002
The brokers’ campaign to raise clients’ awareness about the level of state taxes and charges they are paying with their premiums is being stoutly resisted by Victorian Treasurer…
28 May 2002
Tasmania has become the first state to abolish stamp duty on insurance premiums for businesses and community groups…
28 May 2002
There’s nothing much new to report on the medical indemnity front…
28 May 2002
HIH Royal Commissioner Neville Owen is calling for submissions on issues relevant to future policy directions related to the fall of HIH…
21 May 2002
The 12,000 builders insured by Royal & SunAlliance breathed a sigh of relief after the group announced it would remove requirements for builders to provide personal deeds…
21 May 2002
The Federal Government has finally given some indication of how far it’s prepared to go to provide terrorism cover for Australian businesses…
21 May 2002
The Federal Government allocated $40 million in the Budget to settle damages claims from wharfies with asbestos-related diseases…
21 May 2002
Insurance Enquiries & Complaints has announced its May 2002 appointments…
21 May 2002
The Insurance Advisers Association of Australia will use the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance’s Certified Insurance Professional Program…
14 May 2002
The groundswell of support for the NIBA tax campaign is growing as major business groups absorb the implications of the increasing tax take on insurance…
14 May 2002
Something finally went right for the builders’ warranty market last week when major reforms announced in March were passed through the Lower House of the NSW Parliament…