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Car thefts hit all-time low

The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council’s strategies are beginning to pay off. It has reported a 21% decrease in car thefts compared to this time last year. Just as impressive is a stolen vehicle recovery rate of 79%. To break it down even further, for the 2001/2002 financial year there was an average of 9.4 thefts for every 1000 registered vehicles.

For insurers the average claims cost reached around $8000, with agreed value policies posting an above-average $9170. Interestingly, four-wheel-drive vehicles led in the highest claims costs stakes, with four variants of the Toyota Landcruiser featured in the top 10.

The Hyundai Excel X3 and older Holden Commodores are still the top picks for professional thieves. The Holden Commodore VP recorded an increase of 25% in thefts. And while the Excel X3 is still the most stolen late model vehicle, its popularity among thieves research shows is “waning”, according to the council.