Less legal buck-passing over intoxication
20 August 2002
People who drink too much alcohol and then have accidents will now have less of a basis to sue, according to Sydney lawyer Louise Edmondson…
20 August 2002
People who drink too much alcohol and then have accidents will now have less of a basis to sue, according to Sydney lawyer Louise Edmondson…
20 August 2002
Everyone seems to be jumping on the corporate governance bandwagon after the corporate blowouts of the 1990s…
20 August 2002
Will former FAI MD and prominent HIH Royal Commission figure Rodney Adler face more charges over statements related to HIH share dealings…
13 August 2002
ICA’s dream of a uniform approach to law reform across the Commonwealth, states and territories is slipping away…
13 August 2002
Ray Williams’ appearance before the HIH Royal Commission has been eagerly awaited…
13 August 2002
The provisional liquidator of failed medical insurer UMP is not facing huge troubles in developing a solution to restructure the insurer before the end of the year…
13 August 2002
Major broker assistance group Gold Seal has now released most of its products online…
13 August 2002
The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance has introduced online services with its new InSITE Learning initiative…
06 August 2002
Claims by the GM of a Royal & SunAlliance subsidiary that “brokers by and large had failed to deliver for small business” have provoked a sharp reaction from NIBA…
06 August 2002
The problems in public liability and professional indemnity have affected a wide range of businesses and professions, but the medical profession still seems to think it’s special…
30 July 2002
One real problem in linking the insurance industry with calls for tort reform is that too many people (some of whom should know better) see the whole thing as manipulation…
30 July 2002
Not surprisingly, the industry felt the need to defend itself against the comments of the attorneys-general. ICA Executive Director Alan Mason said the states’ law leaders…
30 July 2002
The insurers know they must resist all suggestions of dishonesty, because the price of relaxing their defences will be a legislative reaction of some sort…
30 July 2002
Rural communities are another insurance hotspot the industry should be considering carefully…
30 July 2002
Victoria’s major employer body has reported what everyone knew by July 1: that insurance is a lot more expensive than it was 12 months ago…
23 July 2002
But for its determination to be nasty, the Australian Medical Association might have found insurers jumping on its bandwagon to abolish people’s rights to sue doctors for personal injury…
23 July 2002
The Federal Opposition is a good example of the AMA’s influence…
23 July 2002
A survey by the AMA has found that one in four GPs are cutting back services due to the medical indemnity crisis…
23 July 2002
The WA Government is following other states in tort reform, announcing plans to introduce a threshold for general damages, caps on economic loss and regulation of advertising…
16 July 2002
Companies who want to adequately protect their assets from the threat of terrorism are paying double the state taxes and levies imposed on commercial property insurance…