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Queensland does it quietly

14 May 2002

There was no flurry of criticism over insurers’ intentions when Queensland announced a package of reforms to deal with public liability and medical indemnity insurance…

Doctors turn to the lawyers

14 May 2002

NSW doctors are contemplating setting up a class action against failed mutual insurer United Medical Protection, which is in liquidation…

Medical indemnity solution is near

14 May 2002

The Federal Government is set to unveil a “rescue plan” to deal with the medical indemnity problem, which lobbyists continue to insist is a crisis…

Cheaper CTP shows reform can work

14 May 2002

After a horror run through much of the ’90s, when CTP premiums spiralled out of control, NSW motorists should all be smiling now…

Reinsurers quit the Australian market

14 May 2002

Following on from the departure from Australia of giant US reinsurer St Paul Re in December comes news that it started a bit of a rush to leave…

Victoria gags dumped workers’ comp insurers

07 May 2002

Insurers dumped from the Victorian workers’ compensation system two weeks ago are having to deal with the repercussions in complete silence – no grumbles to the media…

$5M payout highlights liability conundrum

07 May 2002

The award of $5.7 million in damages to a Melbourne wrestler has highlighted the complexities of the present debate over liability insurance and tort reform…

UMP: still no permanent solution

07 May 2002

As we predicted, there’s been plenty of fallout from the collapse of medical indemnity giant United Medical Protection…

UMP turns off its life support

29 April 2002

Australia’s largest medical indemnity insurer hit the wall late yesterday and decided to call in the liquidators…

WorkCover reforms in NSW

29 April 2002

NSW’s workers’ compensation scheme is turning a profit at last. Changes introduced last year to the Workcover scheme have given the authority a $200 million return…