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Loss adjusters to establish claims institute

The Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters (AICLA) will establish an Institute of Claims Professionals within the next two months, according to AICLA President Mark Godfrey.

Addressing the AICLA conference in Hobart last week, he said loss adjusters’ skills are indispensable in the market, but “insurers have to be enlightened that they get great value from us”.

The Institute of Claims Professionals will be fully owned by AICLA and will cater for those involved in claims-handling and processing, Mr Godfrey said. “It will offer three classes of membership: Ordinary, Qualified Claims Technician (QCT) and Senior QCT.”

He said the institute will have its own constitution, code of conduct, underlying educational course and continuing professional development program. “All of this is in an advanced stage of development.”