A hard day’s work for insurance staff
22 July 2003
Working 9-to-5 is long enough day for many people, and NRMA Insurance workers in Sydney couldn’t agree more…
22 July 2003
Working 9-to-5 is long enough day for many people, and NRMA Insurance workers in Sydney couldn’t agree more…
15 July 2003
Aon Worldwide Chairman and CEO Dennis Mahoney flew into Sydney last week for a brief visit, and filled the airwaves and print media with dire warnings…
15 July 2003
Former FAI chief and HIH director Rodney Adler has been committed to stand trial on charges of manipulating the stockmarket…
15 July 2003
A colourful and slightly confusing court battle mounted against APRA by Rural & General Insurance Broking has been brought to a halt before it ever really got started…
15 July 2003
Almost 50% of Australian businesses have been affected by fraud in the past two years, with the financial services industry reporting the highest level of fraud-related crime…
15 July 2003
After decades of people resolutely not reading their insurance policies, the Insurance Council has taken a short-cut towards understanding…
15 July 2003
ASIC has approved amendment to the terms of reference for Insurance Brokers Disputes Ltd, so that disputes involving small business package policies up to a claim limit…
15 July 2003
The Regional Insurance Brokers Association is searching for a new Executive Officer now that the long-serving Peter Lalor is retiring…
08 July 2003
NIBA’s half-yearly market survey has found that most commercial premiums are continuing to rise, with brokers expressing concern at the low number of insurers prepared…
08 July 2003
Industry identity Ashraf Kamha has stood aside as CEO of Dexta Underwriting to spend more time focusing on other key areas of the business…
08 July 2003
Professional indemnity prices are at an all-time high, and now the ultimate number-crunchers, accountants, are digging their heels in and demanding better cover…
08 July 2003
An annual audit by Insurance Brokers Disputes of 100 randomly selected insurance brokerages has found that although brokers’ documentation skills have improved…
08 July 2003
Insurance Australia Group is selling its health insurance arm, NRMA Heath, because it can’t compete on the costs and benefits of major health insurers, says CEO Michael Hawker…
08 July 2003
The HIH collapse is a long way from disappearing from the public spotlight, with the Federal Government announcing last week it will put up an extra $14 million to fund…
08 July 2003
It’s been a stressful week for former FAI MD Rodney Adler…
08 July 2003
Entrepreneur Brad Cooper has become the first person involved in the HIH collapse to hand over money…
08 July 2003
NSW Premier Bob Carr has defended his government’s refusal to lower stamp duty rates for home-owners, saying the extra cash flow helped meet the unexpected demands…
01 July 2003
ICA is the latest organisation to tell the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into national workers’ compensation and OH&S frameworks that it’s committed to the long-term aim…
01 July 2003
Just months after Gerling Global Reinsurance of Australia went into run-off, niche player AssetInsure has purchased the operation for $60 million…
01 July 2003
Australia’s new Terrorism Insurance Scheme – and its new level of tax – comes into effect today…