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Brokers still seek FSRA answers

03 June 2003

With licensing now top of mind with most financial services intermediaries – most of whom haven’t yet put their applications in – brokers are still in the dark over some issues…

Choice chooses best household policies

03 June 2003

Promina subsidiary Australian Pensioners Insurance Agency has scooped the pool in the latest Choice magazine examination of house and contents policies…

Victoria a step closer to reform

27 May 2003

Plaintiff lawyers in Victoria are maintaining their barrage of criticism of tort reforms which include subjecting small personal injury claims to a threshold of 5% for general damages…

New award honours insurance leader

27 May 2003

An international student exchange award has been devised to commemorate the memory of well-known insurance leader Peter Corrigan, who died suddenly last year…

Role confusion – your choice

27 May 2003

That champion of straight-shooting on behalf of the consumer, Choice magazine, is a bit slow when it comes to correcting its own errors…

Butselaar is new ANZIIF President

27 May 2003

AIG Australasian Region CEO  John Butselaar is the new President of ANZIIF, succeeding Marsh Chairman John Richardson

Rates hard to swallow

20 May 2003

According to the projections, the market should be showing a few signs of softening…

Tort reform: lawyers snap

20 May 2003

Tort reform is getting up the noses of Australia’s plaintiff lawyers, with Victorian lawyers deciding they have the clout to go straight for the throat of Premier Steve Bracks…

SARS: bosses warned of liability

13 May 2003

Employers have been warned of the liability risks they face in dealing with staff who may face the risk of being exposed to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome…

D&O cover more widely available

13 May 2003

“Significant capacity” exists in the Australian D&O market, according to research conducted by a Melbourne risk consultancy…

SA WorkCover gets serious

13 May 2003

The SA Government will introduce a new Bill this week to make the state’s WorkCover system more “accountable and transparent”…

Risk management: DNV joins Qest

13 May 2003

The risk consultancy business is getting more competitive, with Melbourne-based risk management group Qest Consulting acquiring the Australian and NZ operations…

ICA vows to keep communicating

13 May 2003

The Insurance Council of Australia has reaffirmed its commitment to good communications, with ICA President Raymond Jones claiming much has already been done…