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CGU pushes intermediary image

21 September 2004

CGU has launched a multi-million dollar advertising campaign to strengthen its positioning as an intermediary-based insurer…

AICLA launches claims institute

21 September 2004

Claims professionals will gather in Sydney on Thursday to help launch the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters’ new brainchild, the Institute of Claims Technicians…

ICA to close Brisbane, Adelaide offices

21 September 2004

The Insurance Council of Australia will close its Queensland and South Australian offices at the end of this year, leaving branches in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth…

More M&A activity mooted

14 September 2004

Increased merger and acquisition activity is expected as Australia’s 109 general insurers compete for about 20% of the market, according to a KPMG insurance survey…

Banks eye insurance sector

14 September 2004

Australia’s banks are starting to look closely at the $23 billion insurance sector as a way of maintaining profits as lending slows down…

NZ considers compulsory insurance

14 September 2004

New Zealand Finance Minister Michael Cullen has suggested making property insurance compulsory following revelations of high levels of underinsurance in areas affected…

Education body to rebuild trust after FSRA

14 September 2004

The financial services sector’s peak education body, the Financial Services Education Agency Australia, says it is focusing its efforts on rebuilding consumer trust…

James Hardie pressure increases

14 September 2004

A demand by the US accountants of James Hardie Industries for an independent inquiry into allegations of illegal misconduct has resulted in the cancellation…

ICA rejects Labor tort reform attack

07 September 2004

Opposition financial services spokesman Stephen Conroy has criticised the insurance industry for not passing back the benefits of tort reform after achieving the best profits…

NSW fire levy report provokes anger

07 September 2004

There was more than a little fury and frustration being voiced in Sydney last week when a NSW Government committee went against industry expectations…

Builders’ warranty issue heats up

07 September 2004

Insurers offering builders’ warranty insurance in NSW face new rules that could affect their dealings with policyholders…

Hail the good news

07 September 2004

Sunday’s Sydney hailstorm was a damp squib compared with the rampaging monster of 1999 which led to claims exceeding $1 billion…

Code of practice deadline looms

07 September 2004

ICA has received 28 submissions on its draft code of practice, with the deadline for those interested in submitting suggestions falling tomorrow…

HIH liquidator seeks Turnbull’s help

07 September 2004

Troubled political candidate Malcolm Turnbull, former co-Chairman of merchant bank Goldman Sachs and adviser to former FAI MD Rodney Adler, Malcolm Turnbull, has been asked to assist…

Smash repairers bingle with insurers

07 September 2004

The Productivity Commission will go ahead with an inquiry into the relationship between the smash repair industry and motor insurance companies…

Adler argues double jeopardy

31 August 2004

Disgraced former HIH Insurance director Rodney Adler is appealing against a NSW Supreme Court’s refusal of a permanent stay on criminal proceedings…

Investors looking to insurance

31 August 2004

Insurers’ half-year financial reports have prompted many investors to turn from banking shares to insurance stock, according to analysts…