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Bushfires a waiting game

Bushfires are likely to strike in the first three months of next year rather than over the Christmas season, according to the Insurance Disaster Response Organisation (IDRO).

IDRO National Co-ordinator Chris Henri told Sunrise Exchange News that higher east coast rainfall is producing vegetation that will act as fuel early next year.

He says the NSW Central Coast, the Blue Mountains and South-east Queensland regions are at the greatest risk of bushfire this summer.

Climatologists have told IDRO that the cyclone season this year is not likely to bring strong winds but there will be a lot of rainfall. “This could mean we’ll see more flooding this season,” Mr Henri said.

However, he says the insurance industry has the resources to deal with such events. “It’s really a waiting game. But as you can see by their bushfire awareness campaigns, insurers are now much more proactive in informing the community about the risks.”