Where ICA is heading: Hawker
15 August 2006
The Insurance Council of Australia is moving in a “completely new proactive direction”, according to President Michael Hawker…
15 August 2006
The Insurance Council of Australia is moving in a “completely new proactive direction”, according to President Michael Hawker…
15 August 2006
Assistant Treasurer Peter Dutton says the states and territories need to be continually reminded about the HIH Royal Commission’s recommendation for the abolition of…
15 August 2006
Lloyd’s has issued a warning that a Sydney stock brokerage called The Armitage has been falsely claiming to have Lloyd’s coverage…
15 August 2006
Favourable market conditions and strengthening balance sheets have led ratings agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) to give the Asia-Pacific insurance industry a “stable” outlook…
15 August 2006
New Zealand is suffering a winter of extremes, with millions of dollars worth of damage from floods, mudslides, slips and snowstorms…
15 August 2006
New Zealand’s political leaders are once again crossing swords over the country’s national accident compensation scheme…
08 August 2006
The local industry is highly developed and well regulated, and although it has experienced record profits in recent years there’s still room for growth, according to a new report…
08 August 2006
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has released its half-yearly general insurance bulletin, which includes statistics from 133 Australian insurers…
08 August 2006
NIBA Life Brokers and Advisers Committee Chairman David Squire is a man of many associations…
01 August 2006
As NIBA’s tax protest campaign begins to bite with politicians, Victorian Emergency Services Minister Tim Holding has hit back, attacking the insurance industry for profiteering…
01 August 2006
The financial services reforms have confused empowering consumers with overpowering them, NIBA CEO Noel Pettersen told a conference last week…
01 August 2006
Tort law reform is back in the spotlight after a NSW Court of Appeal decision gave an insurer the right to full cost recovery from an unsuccessful plaintiff…
01 August 2006
The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal has released its draft “red tape” report, in which it acknowledges the cost of regulation for the insurance industry…
01 August 2006
Federal Treasurer Peter Costello says the stand-off between James Hardie and the Australian Taxation Office is likely to be resolved soon…
01 August 2006
The state and territory governments have agreed to launch a second inquiry into legal loopholes that allow companies to avoid liabilities related to injury and death…
01 August 2006
IAG CEO Michael Hawker is standing down from the Financial Literacy Foundation Board, citing pressure from other commitments…
25 July 2006
The insurance industry and the Federal Government have welcomed research showing public liability premiums are continuing to fall…
25 July 2006
A High Court decision last week doesn’t signal a weakening of the tort reform process, a leading insurance lawyer says…
25 July 2006
The international insurance industry is poised for another period of intense consolidation, with 52% of companies expecting to use acquisitions to enter new markets…
25 July 2006
Insurers aren’t to blame for the slow pace of reconstruction in settlements south of Cairns devastated by Cyclone Larry in March, says the man heading up the recovery taskforce…