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Engineering standard gets the nod

08 May 2007

Members of Engineers Australia have greater protection from costly liability suits after the organisation’s professional standards were recognised under Commonwealth legislation…

Victoria set to slash compo premiums

01 May 2007

Tort reform and the need to compete with the Federal Government’s Comcare system are major factors behind a 10% cut in Victorian WorkCover insurance premiums…

Insurance brokers can help avert PI stress

01 May 2007

Financial planners have been urged to work more closely with their insurance brokers and embrace PI insurance as a risk management tool rather than a “grudge purchase…”

Underwriters beyond the blues: report

01 May 2007

Insurance industry workers are among the most depressed people in the workforce, with one in 10 underwriters reporting moderate or severe depression, according to a national survey…

HIH civil action seeks $65 million in claims

01 May 2007

Former HIH director Rodney Adler will face new legal action from nearly 3000 former shareholders who say the jailed entrepreneur dudded them into buying HIH shares…

NZ fire services levy ‘outrage’

24 April 2007

The New Zealand insurance industry has come out swinging against a Government proposal to collect the fire services levy, as well as funding for rescue services…

Non-insurance under review

24 April 2007

The Insurance Council of Australia is seeking answers on why so many people in Australia forgo home and contents cover…

NZ business urged to help on climate change

24 April 2007

Governments cannot be expected to “fix” climate change, NZ Minister for Climate Change David Parker says, and business and communities are vital partners in adopting sustainable…

ANZIIF trains Vietnam professionals

24 April 2007

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance has begun a contract with the Vietnam Ministry of Finance to set up a technical education and training centre…

Insurance Ombudsman reappoints panel

24 April 2007

The three panel members of the Insurance Ombudsman Service have been reappointed on three-year terms as the service announces the creation of a second panel…

Livestock broking leader dies

24 April 2007

Bob Logan, the founder of leading livestock insurance agency Logan Financial Services, has died suddenly…

Smash repairs not so ‘funny’

17 April 2007

Another set of guidelines for the smash repair industry has been released, recommending the abandonment of “funny time, funny money”…

Coastal homes face climate risk

17 April 2007

Homeowners in coastal regions of Australia and New Zealand will suffer a big decline in property values if insurers withdraw cover to minimise exposure to climate change…

Legal protection for good deeds mooted

17 April 2007

Queensland’s “good Samaritans” could be given legal protection to lend aid in emergency situations under amendments proposed by state Opposition Leader Jeff Seeney…

ICA supports arson conviction rewards

17 April 2007

The Insurance Council of Australia will continue to administer and support the Arson Reward Scheme in conjunction with federal and state police…